Tuesday, September 13, 2022


 Sometimes I just get so damn frustrated

    I went for a short bike ride this afternoon.  Figured after working in the veggie garden, doing a load of laundry, and not taking a nap; I needed a little down time.

    I loop my subdivision.  It is 2.2 miles.  I intended to ride 2 laps today, but I barely made one and a quarter.  Why?  A damn flat front tire.

    That is the third one in a couple of weeks.

    I have a doctor appointment in DeKalb Thursday and will take it to the DeKalb bike place.  There has to be something with the rim that is popping the tire.

    So my ride turned into a short one with a little walk.  I could have called Julia to come and get me, but that defeats the concept of exercising.

    At this rate, I will not even have 20 miles by Oct. 1.  That is sad.

    I did use my  phone to take a few pictures of real and not real flowers.

Peace and Love


This was last Friday......I am sure they have made progress since.l

Red Milkweed Beetles.......

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