Friday, September 23, 2022


Fall arrived today 

    Yesterday was the Equinox signaling the official start of fall. It sure felt like it today!

    I went out to mow and had to put on an extra shirt.  When I finished I had some hot chocolate.

    Sherri is dogsitting so we invited her over for burgers tonight.  Yes, it is Friday.  Yes, we have pizza almost every Friday.

    But Julia is gone.  Julia does not like hamburgers.  So we had burgers today.

    But damn, I was out of cheese to put on top!  Every time I hear "Cheeseburgers in Paradise" I want a cheeseburger.  I heard it twice today!  But I did not have any cheese.  So it was just the burger with lettuce, tomato and fries.

    I also opened a bottle of red.  I had planned to have a rosé, but it was just to darn chili.

    I stopped by the Pickin' Station where Linda and I have a booth.  We set out stuff last Friday and as of today we had sold 7 items!  They told me to bring in more items and fill the shelves.  So tomorrow I will do that.

    The goal is not to make money, but to start getting rid of items that no longer fit in our lives.  But it is really hard for me to part with things.  Everything seems to have a memory.

    Peace and Love    

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