Wednesday, September 14, 2022


 Today was a pretty eh day

    Did laundry, mowed the yard, went to a meeting and now I am dealing with a major headache.

    Popped some Tylenol, hope it brings  relief.

    I still have to bring up my stuff for the booth we are stocking on Friday.  I have everything in one spot, just need to bring it up, dust it off, and price it.

    Pricing is an issue.

    For example, I have a butter crock.  I Googled it and found ones just like it for $40-50.   But I can't get that price in Rochelle, and I guess there is no guarantee those people are getting that price either.

    So, what price do I set?  Am I trying to make money, or get rid of things  we no longer want or need in our lives?  Or both?

    Should I be upset if I get $10 for something I see for sale at 4 times that amount?

    Decisions, decisions.

    I guess time will tell.

Peace and Love

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