Wednesday, September 7, 2022

Who do you call?

 We had an interesting morning

    To begin with, I was tired.  I have not been sleeping well. 

    Usually I can sleep in my recliner, but the last two nights did not go well.  I open the windows, turn on the fan, and lay there.  Eventually I get up and go to bed.  Last night I went to the recliner at 10:45, read for 20 minutes, then turned out the light.  No sleep.  And all I seemed to do in bed was toss and turn.

    So, I was tired.

    Jackie's routine is she gets in her transport chair and I push her into the shower.  Then she stands up, usually with my help, and I pull t he shower bench under her and she sits.

    We did that this morning with no problem.

    At the end, we reverse it.  I help her get up,  move the shower seat, pull in the transport chair and down she goes.

    Except this morning.  She could not stand, the transport chair got tied up in the shower seat, and she sat on the very edge of the transport chair.  For about 3 seconds.  Then she was on the floor in the shower.

    I got Julia and we tried to lift her but realized the two of us could not lift her and move the chair.

    Luckily Emily worked late today and she was able to come over.  Emily and I lifted her by the shoulders and Julia slid the chair under her and all was fine.

    She was not hurt.  No bruises, cuts, or anything.

    If Emily had not been home, poor Kevin would have gotten a call.  Or Curt.  Next  it would have been Todd.  After that, it would have been the fire department.  I hope it never comes to that!

    After lunch I was so tired, I decided to take a nap on the porch chair.  It was beautiful weather, my little fountain was on, I had some ginger ale to sip.......and I could not sleep.  Not  a wink.  

    I did not have caffeine yesterday afternoon or this afternoon.  I am hoping that will make a difference, but so far it seems I sleep better with an afternoon coffee.

    I do have3 of 4 of the downspouts on, but I seem to be only able to do 1 a day bcause my hands hurt so much.   Plus, I seem to be lousy at doing this.   I spent almost an hour on  the one today because I could not get it to pivot.  

    And I have one extra gutter elbow.  That is just weird.

Peace and Love

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