Saturday, September 17, 2022


 Not much to talk about today

    Just a lazy day.  I just don't have energy enough to tackle all my tasks.

    I know I waste a lot of time on the computer.  I read the Tribune.  I check Facebook.  I do Wordle.  I play Spider Solitaire.

    Before I know it, the day is almost over.

    Throw in time to eat and do minor tasks, and it is already dark.

    I did watch an inning or two of the Cubs, but that was about it.  I also grilled some salmon for supper tomorrow and one day next week.  I did that today because when it rains tomorrow, I won't have the chance to cook it since I can't cook it indoors.

    Maybe tomorrow will be a go get em day.....but I am not counting on it.

Peace and Love

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