Friday, September 16, 2022

dream on....again!

 I need to stop dreaming

    But first, the news.

    Linda and I set up our booth at Pickin' Station today.  I think it looks pretty darn good!  Lots of neat stuff.

    If you see something you just gotta have, better get down there quick!  These will be gone soon.  We hope.

    Had a great time tonight with Renee and Wendy.  They brought pizza and fun company and we had a wonderful time talking about all sorts of things....especially queens, kings and the English.  We had a great night.
    Dreams.  Funny things, eh?  Two nights ago I dreamt of a futuristic village.  Last night was even more outragous. 
    I won't go into details, but imagine donnie trump in a bathrobe, one that is open far more than you would like, facing Hillary in our front yard.  Suddenly, the wind picks up and .....ta da!  

    I took a photograph and his agents wanted my camera.  So they broke into my house in the middle of the night to steal it.

    In reality, I was up at 2:30, wandering the house, checking windows and doors!  Seriously!!  It spooked more ways than one.

    Maybe it's the food I eat, or my over active imagination, or something else.  But the dreams lately have been doozies!

    To sleep, perchance to dream.......I would rather just have peaceful sleep.

Peace and Love

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