Tuesday, July 27, 2021

like a kid

 Sometimes I am just a grown up child

    Jackie had a doctor's appointment in Rolling Meadows today.  We were there on time, surprise!  But the good doctor was running a bit late. Jackie was the last patient of th day, and as soon as we went out, so did the lights and most of the staff.

    She has spasms in her legs.  This doctor specializes in Botox shoots, which should relieve the spasms.  This was Jackie's first treatment and we have a follow up visit in 6 weeks to see if the shots help.  In three months, she can get more shots, either the same dosage or higher, depending on what we find in six weeks.

    Jackie's brother Bob and wife Anita are up from Florida and staying about 10 minutes away from where we were.  So we all met up at a nearby Portillo's, which was nice because we don't see them very often and they leave Thursday.  Also, we could avoid some of the rush hour.  Sister Judy joined us, so it was a mini reunion.

    Now, Jackie has a problem with fully loaded hot dogs.  Especially the mustard.  Let's just say she dribbled a few times (more than MJ ever did in a game!) which caused a great deal of hilarity among the non dribblers.

    And for trhe second time, I could not get her in the car!  This happened last time we were at this Portillo's....Jackie just seems to miss the seat.  Luckily I got  her in despite our laugher.

    On the way home someone in the car not driving suggested stopping at Oberweiss in Aurora.  So we did.

    I will no longer make fun of her for dribbling.

    For some reason I forgot to hit post last night, so there are two entries for today.  I am calling it senioritis.

Peace and Love

I had a chocolate malt!!!

    This may have been the same frog that jumped on my head a few weeks ago.  He was under the light, catching bugs.

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