Friday, July 9, 2021


Not much to say today 

    Some days are like that.  Sometimes life hits you hard, sometimes soft, sometimes it just pats you on the head.

    Not sure what it did today.

    Suffice it to say, I mowed and trimmed, made fish for supper, picked up my hearing aids and ended the daylight hours with a mojito on the patio.

    One funny thing, that is pretty standard with me.

    Our church is putting together a new website.  I was asked to look it over and give my opinion.

    Last night I looked over the website, listed some areas I thought could be improved, and e mailed my suggestions to the rest of the committee.

    Turns out I looked at our current web site.  So I had to e mail everyone and tell them never mind.

    Somes even I don't get me.

Peace and Love

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