Sunday, July 25, 2021

Yummy!! And Honored!!!!

We had a great visit today 

    Jackie's brothers came for lunch.  We had Bob  and Anita, Joe and his son Brian, Emily, John, Jackie, me, Oberon.....  Oh, wait.  Oberon is the dog and he left before we ate.

    It turns out two and a half hamburger buns was more than enough.  Way more.  Way, way, more.

    And I forgot to put out the chips and dip.  Even MORE food.  

    Bob and Anita are living in Florida, so we have not seen them in 2 years.  Jackie "talks" to him during Cubs games, and we Facetime, but this is our first in person visit in a while.  Same with Joe.  He lives in the suburbs, but we just never seem to get together.

    My day started with a super nice surprise.  Two of our friends, Lauren and John, are doing the Register's Annual Great Bike Ride Across Iowa, or the Ragbrai.  Lauren dedicated their first day ride to me!  

    I was truly honored.  And to be honest, a bit emotional.  Just a bit.

    I have always wanted to do the ride, but never thought I could.  Now I know I couldn't.  They go something like 460 miles in 7 days.  When we went to the Netherlands to bike we rode about 20 miles a day and I was pretty tired. I was younger then too.  

    Now I can do the ride vicariously through my friends.  

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate being thought of in that way.

Peace and Love

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