Thursday, July 22, 2021

oh hell

I had to go to DeKalb today 

    We ordered something at a store over there, and told them we would pick it up Wednesday.  Which made sense.  We went for pedicures in DeKalb.  We stopped at a grocery store in DeKalb.

    We got home and Jackie said, "We forgot to stop at Lehans!"  Followed by, "We should have made a note."

    As I walked to the back door, I saw a note that said  Pedicure  Lehans in large black lettering.  We did make a note and still didn't remember!

    So I went back to DeKalb.

    While there, I stopped at my favorite out of Rochelle coffee shop.  I brought my reusable cup that they sold two summers ago.

    I have been to 3 shops with my cup.  At one, they told me they were not using them yet.  At a second, I put my cup on a tray and they carried the tray, filled the coffee, and served it to me, all while still on the tray.

    Today the person told me to take my cup to the end and wait.

    A barrista made my coffee in the standard to go cup, then poured it into my cup, and tossed out the cup she used.

    Really?  The purpose of the personal cups is to reduce cup usage.  It all just seemed  very strange to me.

    And now my rant for the day.

    I love the Cubs.  I have been a Cub fan for as long as I can remember.  I followed them when they were terrible...and there were many years like that.  We used to go to Wrigley a nd the upper deck would not be open because there were not enough fans at the game to justify opening the upper deck.

    When they won it all in 2016, I was super happy.  And I looked forward to a couple of more World Series appearances because of the youthfulness of the team and the talent they have.

    Now?  I just can't watch this trainwreck.  Guys hitting under 200 dominate the outfield.  I don't think anybody is over 280. with the exception of Nico Horner who has not played very much.

    They might as well back up the truck tonight and try to figure out where to take this club.

    End of Rant.

Peace and Love 

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