Thursday, July 8, 2021


 I guess we were pretty tired last night

    We went to bed after the Cubs' game. That would have been before 11.  I got up at 7 to take out recycling and went back to bed.

    We got up at 10:30!

    And I had to wake Jackie!!

    I know I don't sleep very soundly, but I was in bed for almost 12 hours!  Yes, I get up a couple of times because that is what I am do without a prostate.....but I always go  back to sleep!

    Why am I using so may exclamations?!?

    And the dreams......oh my gosh.

    In one my dishwasher was full of thistle seed that I feed the birds.  I had to clean it out wtih a teaspoon.  In another the window screens were full of something that had to be dug out with a toothpick.

    And there was one really weird one involving a woman whom I may or may not know  who may, or may not, be crazy or a witch and may have cast a spell on me turning me into something that I don't remember.  Or she bought me coffee.  Not sure.

    If I went to a dream interpreter, I do believe they would quite their chosen field and become grave robbers.  

    In any case, it is only a little after 9 and I can't keep my eyes open right now.  I am hot, then cold.  Neither one for very long, either.

    I tried to replace the cones in my hearing aids today and ended up taking them to DeKalb for the good doctor to do for me.  She is the one who showed me multiple times how to do that simple task, and finished up our lesson by saying, "Just bring them in."

    I am going to set up a time to meet with her and have her show me AGAIN how to do the switch, but this time I will video her on my phone so that I can maybe do this on my own.

    While there I happened to stop at Target to look for deoderant for Jackie.  No, she does not smell, but she is running low and will need some soon.  I have looked in three different stores for what she wants, but no one has it.  Weird, huh?

    Target had a special.  Spend $50, get a $15 gift card.  So.....guess who bought More toilet paper and paper towels?

    I think I have a problem.

Peace and Love and good health

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