Tuesday, July 20, 2021

de ja vu

I may have caught the same ground squirrel twice 

    Not thinking, I let Corki into the back yard this morning.  She approached the first trap, gave it a sniff, looked around and spotted the second trap.

    When I looked next, ol' Corki was banging that trap like a pinata!  At one point, I think she was standing on top of it.

    By the time I got out there, the trap was empty.   It was upside down, which allows the doors to open.  It was also pretty scratched up.  Corki was following a trail, which led behind my day lillies and through the butterfly bush area.  She was hot on the trail, but unsuccessful.

    I reset the trap, and not an hour later, had another ground squirrel.  That makes number 4 since I started trapping the other day.  This one was fairly big, like yesterday's, and was not a talker.  I tried explaining that this was for her own good, she could reunite with her family, but she was fuming at me.

    When I let her out, she went the wrong way.  Everyone else had gone left, she went right.  I figured she was a Republican squirrel.

    I just hope they are happy in their homes.

    I have several holes to fill.  I have to buy some dirt and put it down the holes.  Corki actually stepped in a hole and it could have hurt her.

    On the bush trimming front, I have trimmed 10 of our boxwoods in front of the house.  I have 4 to go.  I have  2 little rechargeable battery trimmers, and I seem to get one boxwood done before the trimmer dies.  So....4 more bushes should take me about 3 days.

    But this all makes it a little clearer on what I will look for:  a battery powered package that has a blower, hedge trimmer, and tire pump working off the same battery.

    You would think that would be easy to find, right?  But I just can't seem to find the right grouping.

    Such is my boring life.

Peace and Love

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