Wednesday, July 7, 2021

snap, crackle, poop

 I had a chiropractor appointment today

    My hip and legs are feeling much better.  He told me to take it easy for a few more days, so I followed his advice and sat on the porch reading.  Again.

    But I have a strange question.  I pick up Corki's droppings every other day.  Somedays there are several piles, today there were only 2.  Usually over 2 days I find more than what is happening to them?  Is my grass too long and hiding the dog's gifts to me?  Is an elf coming in at night to scoop them up?  

    Inquiriring minds want to know.

    It's a puzzle, much like the garden.  How often can I replant it before I just decide to give up?

    Sitting on the porch, swallows were putting on a show.  They came swooping over my head several times.  Usually they do that when I mow, but since I was sitting in a chair, I was not kicking up any bugs.  The birdies must have been finding them because they made several fly throughs.

    I also mailed my passport application.  Nice lady at the post office helped me with the envelope and said they were running about 12 weeks.......which is not good news.

    I can't make flight reservations because if the passport doesn't get back in time, I can't go.  I also can't finalize plans for Jackie because now my dates are uncertain.

    It's frustrating and my fault.  At some point prior to this week I should have checked to see when it expired, but that was never in my mind or on one of my many lists of things to do.

    My fate is now in the hands of a faceless bureaucrat.  And I don't know if that is spelled anyway near correctly.

    And in local news......there was a bank robbery in Rochelle yesterday!  In Rochelle!

    I could have lead with that, I know.  

    The news article said a man entered the bank, gave a teller a note demanding money and saying he had a weapon.  The teller gave him money and he left.

    But the story said the incident began at the drive up!

    I'm thinking the guy goes through drive up.  I have this mental image of him giving the note to the teller, they slide it back and tell him no, so he parks the car and goes into the bank.

    A silent alarm was sounded and he was arrested one block away, and no weapon was found.

    My guess is the guy is not the sharpest pencil in the box.  Luckily.

    Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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