Friday, July 2, 2021

Oh happy day

I forgot to celebrate Bobby Bonilla Day 

    I might have spelled his name wrong.  Oops.

    Bobby Bonilla was a baseball star who renegotiated a huge contract with the Mets back in the 1990s.  Well, it was almost a $6 million contract, but that was huge then.  The Mets renegotiated  a longer payout instead of paying the money to him.  So,  he agreed to take a yearly paycheck of albout $1.2 million starting in 2010 or so..  There is interest figured in, so the check is closer to $1.9 million.

    Every year on July 1 in baseball land it becomes Bobby Bonilla Day.  Bonilla is now 58 and will continue receiving the money uintil 2035.

    Not a bad deal!

    Tomorrow I will replant my beans and cucumbers for the third, and final, time.  I just don't get what happened this year.  It's frustrating that I have gotten so little from my garden.  Last year we had enough green beans, Italian beans, peas, carrots and peppers to provide us with vegetables through the winter.  We actually still have some beans left, but not many.

    This year......pffft!  I have one cucumberr shoot, and two bean plants.  So tomorrow I will replant the beans.  Dang frustrating.

    I sent a birthday card to a lady celebrating her 90th next week.  But, she probably won't get it.  

    You know my tendency to reverse numbers.....well, I wrote the address on a piece of paper and forgot the paper  at home.  I bought a card, went to the post office and wrote down the address as I remembered it because if I didn't mail it today, it would not get here on time.

    I may have had the street wrong, and I know the number is I  bet that card comes back to me instead of to the person it should go to.

    I should have driven to her house and dropped it in her mailbox....would have violated federal law, but would have been a sure fire delivery.

    Oh well....just another day in my life.

Peace and Love

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