Friday, July 30, 2021

Same old, same old

 The news out of the Cubs got worse

    I thought trading Rizzo hurt....but Baez and Bryant too?  Probably the three most favorite players among Cubs fans.  Gone, but not forgotten.

    Nice to see Rizzo homer in his Yankee debut.  I hope all three do well.

    I faced a major economc decision today.  After several hous of pondering, I passed on taking any action.

    Postage goes up to 58 cents from 55 cents starting Aug. 1.  I had debated going into town and buying 100 stamps, but the savings would not even cover the cost of gas, so I really would not have saved any money.   I will now rue that decision every time I mail a letter.

    Mowed and trimmed today.  Weather was nice for doing that.  The partly cloudy forecast got a little wet, but nothing major.  I also finished my mulch.  The pile is almost gone, but I do have to clean it up a little.  I should have ordered more mulch,  some areas did not get any.

    We ordered  pizza tonight.  They said it would be an hour because they were really busy.  We called at 6:30.  I figured if I left the house at 7:20 I would be there right on time.

    So I set the kitchen timer for 7:20.

    The thought was to maybe leave a couple of minutes early, because we were not sure of the exact time we ordered.  So I did.

    As I sat waiting at 7:25 Jackie called and said, "There's a timer going off.   What is it for?"  I told her what I had done.

    The pizza was ready at 8:05.  By then, Jackie was almost insane from the constant beep of the timer.  She was really relieved when I shut it off.

    Busy may have been an understatement.  They were also a little disorganized.  You pull up, call them, tell them you are here and they bring the pizza out.  However, when there are 7 or 8 cars in the parking lot, the kids run from car to car asking what your name is.  They brought me 3 different orders, none of which were mine.  But I really was considering just taking one because I was getting hungry.

    I don't know why they don't number the spaces and when you get there you call and say what space you are in so they know where to bring the order.

    But nobody asked for my advice.

Peace and Love

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