Saturday, July 3, 2021

Like a dog, man

I got a ton of yard work done today 

    I had help....Sheri K. came over and cleaned up my slope area.  It was a mess.  Over the past four weeks I have given up on weeding.  Frist it was hot.  Then dry.   Then wet.  Then hot.  Then I hurt myself.

    Actually, I feel better today than I have in a couple of weeks.  The yard work seemed to have a positive effect, even though I am now icing my lower back.

    I replanted my beans...again.  I guess I rereplanted them.  I may have discovered what the problem was.  The soil was very dry, dry down several inches.  I honestly thought with the rain and my watering it had plenty of moisture, but I may have been wrong.  Tomorrow I will start watering again.

    Tomorrow, before it gets too hot, I also hope to get mulch spread in a few places.  But if I wake up sore, that won't happen.

    Meanwhile, WW III seems to have broken out.  I think the allies are shelling the enemy and small arms fire keeps echoing.  I don't like the Fourth of July as much as other holidays because the noise drives me crazy.  I like the city fireworks, but all these people who think they are providing entertainment are idiots.  Sorry if I offended anyone.

    You may have noticed I have stopped putting the days at the top.  480 was my last one.  Those where the number of days since the pandemic started affecting us, at least by my count.  I hope I don't have to start it again.

Peace and Love and Happy Fourth of July

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