Saturday, July 24, 2021

oh my goodness

 Sometimes I just don't think right

    Or, I don't think at all.

    Jackie's brothers are coming tomorrow.  We are going to have burgers and brats.

    Here's the complete menu:  burgers, brats, macaroni salad, chips, sweet corn, potato salad, pistachio pudding, bundt cupcakes, and 3 bean salad.

    I have a dozen brats and buns, 2 10 pack sleeves of hamburgers, and buns for 30 burgers.

    There will be 9 of us.

    Why I didn't just get a dozen hamburger buns is beyond me.  I can see me at the end the day planning this week's menu for Jackie and me;  burgers, brats, burgers, brats, burgers........which is fine with me, but life should have some variety, right?

    And for 4 weeks I have been looking for those blue gloves used by medical people.  They are a little thicker than the clear plastic ones, and they are super good for getting Jackie's support hose on.  I can grip with them!  Using my bare hands, well, I can't get a good grip of the hose.

    I have been to Walmart, Walgreen's, Lehan's, Target.....the only place I did not look was our closet in the bathroom, where there is an unopened box of 200 that Emily got for us at the start of the pandemic.

    Go figure.

    And after one week I have finished trimming the boxwoods!  That is huge for me because the trimmers I have will do 3/4 of a bush before exhausting the battery.  I do have two trimmers, which means every day I can do a bush and a half.  I had 10 to do this week. 

    Now when the heat breaks, I can spread the rest of my mulch.

    Such is my life.

Peace and Love

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