Monday, July 5, 2021

to hot to day

I just don't seem to change 

    I am not talking about underwear or socks.   Those I change.  I am talking about paying attention to details.

    I made burgers for supper.  I think there was a subliminal message from Jimmy Buffet to have a cheeseburger with lettuce and tomato, Heinz 57 but no french fried potatoes.

    I have been listening to the Margaritaville channel on Sirius a lot.  The music is summer music and seems fitting.

    Anyway, I had a mojito.  I mixed it a little on the strong side.  Cheeseburgers.  Mojito.  What could go wrong?

    Well, at 7 p.m. as I was halfway through both, people started showing up at my door because we had rehearsal for the play tonight at  our house!  Yes, I missed that on the calendar and I have not checked e mail today, otherwise I would have seen the reminder.

    So there I am, mojito on my table, tomato on my shirt, a burger on my plate....and a messy kitchen.  I was embarassed.

    The mojito helped.  

    I have always had a problem with details.  They seem to escape me.  Always have.  

    Earlier in the day I took a friend to the bus in Rockford for a ride to O'Hare, stopped at Starbucks, hit a store forlettuce and tomatoes for salads, picked up some safflower seed for the birds, had a chiropractor session, put an ice pack on my leg only to have it leak all over my chair and pants....but I did not take a nap.  So tonight, I should be able to sleep like a log...right?

    Time will tell.

    I don't think I will be flying the W tonight.  Again.

Peace and Love

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