Sunday, July 4, 2021

not all quiet on the western front

 I am beginning to not like the Fourth of July

    Someone east of us is setting off huge amounts of fireworks...loud ones.  It's almost 11 p.m.  Don't they have any sense?

    Speaking of sense, I love Lawn Darts.  Remember those steel tipped darts you would toss at a circle?  They got banned because some people got hurt when they tips hit them.

    But fireworks?   Not banned, despite the number of stories that will appear about people losing fingers or hands because of them.  One person even died when he lit them on this head!

    If you are going to ban Lawn Darts, then why not fireworks?  Or better yet, limit the amount of bang they provide.  Only allow professionals, or licensed, people to shoot the more powerful ones off.  

    Celebrate America by doing something good.  Take the money you spent on fireworks and donate it to a homeless shelter, or an agency that helps veterans.

    That's my rant for the day.

    Got mulch spread.  Friend Sheri came and helped.  But I paid for it in the afternoon when my back and legs started hurting again.  I have a feeling yard work will grind to a halt over the next two days as the temps hit the low 90s.  I am too old to be out in the heat.

Peace and Love

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