Saturday, July 17, 2021

what have I done

I became a homewrecker today 

    I didn't have much choice.

    Groundsquirrels have taken over my yard.  They are in my raised garden, under the air conditioner.....the trails they are creating are like a super highway for small rodents.

    So I put out my traps and within two hours I caught my first one.

    He was a pretty little fella.  Very active.  Emily startled it and it flew from one side of the trap to the other.

    I took Erwin (he has a name, you know) out to the park and set him free.  He ran quickly out of the trap and them skidded to a stop and looked around.  Nothing was familiar to him.  No bird seed to eat, no hole to escape into, no little ground squirrel buddies to talk to.

    I feel terrilble.  I really do.

    I thought we could peacefully coexist, but there are now several burrows in the yard and multiple trails through the grass.  

    I even found a burrow in my upraised garden.  

    I now think a combination of rabbits, ground squirrels, deer, and poor watering habits lead to my terrible garden.  But I replanted beans and carrots today, hoping they will mature before the first frost.

    Time will tell.

    This was a pretty nice day.  Emily, John and Camryn came for supper, I replanted the garden, watched the sun set with a glass of rose, (no, the sun did not have the rose, I did.  Stop taking me literally!) and managed to catch the ninth inning of what seemed to be a sure Cubs loss, only to hear them win.

    Now....if I can only get Erwin out of my mind.

Peace and Love

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