Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Oh snap......

Don't let old people or idiots near computers 

    It all started innocently enough.  I opened e mail.  I saw a message from friend Vickie and I answered it.  

    Next I saw a message from Apple that our Apple TV account was being billed.  We bought something in 2020 and received a 1 year subscription to Apple TV.  We watched a couple of shows, but not many.  Then Apple sent us a notice that the subscription was being extended 6 months  because of the pandemic.  We still didn't watch anything.

    So today, when we received the notice, I decided to go into our Apple account and end the subscription.  I looked at the on-line directions....and everything went to hell.

    In the process I seem to have deleted every e-mail we have ever sent or received.  Every one.  I even deleted the 10 e mails I had not read, and I do not know who they were from.  All gone.

    How the hell did I do that?

    Plus, I still can't figure out how to cancel the subscription.  The directions given don't seem to work for me.  

    I guess they will cancel it at some point because the credit card expired.    I hope.  

    Seriously, I am a bit pissed.  

    If you e mailed me in the past, and we were having a discussion, that is all gone from my computer.  If I don't respond to an e mail from you, you may want to resend it.  

    Now I have a headache.  Time for a mojito to kill the pain.

Peace and Love    

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