Friday, July 23, 2021


 I am one tired puppy tonight

    Our improv group performed tonight for the first time in almost 2 years!  We had 61 people at the show, which was a fund raiserVCCT and the new theater.

    We had a blast.  

    People seemed to really enjoy the antics of ours, and the humor.  At leaste, no one threw tomatoes at us.

    The only down side was Jackie did not feel up to going.  MS is a strange foe, never know what it is going to do next.

    I think I lied.  Another downside is I was pretty jazzed after the show.  It's now a litte after 12 and I am still wound up.  I think I'll just turn off the alaram and let nature dictate my sleep.

    Peace and Love

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