Monday, July 19, 2021


 I am blaming it on senior moments

    I received my AARP bulletin and it gave  100 ways to save money.

    I am all for saving money.  But at what cost?

    Turn off my ice maker on the fridge?  They say ice makers use 12 to 20 percent of the power, so it is cheaper to buy trays and fill them.  Really?  I love my icemaker because the trays are never empty when I want ice.

    Take advantage of misspellings.  Fatfingers is a website that allows you to search for e-Bay items which the sellers have misspelled the name or brand.  I guess people won't be looking for a Rallex watch, so you can pick up a bargain.

    There were many good suggestions, but one just popped out at me.

    Instead of throwing out sandpaper, I should get a tennis ball and use the sander over the tennis ball, which will get the gunk out of the grit on the sandpaper and make it usable again.  Seriously!

    One discount they forgot is the one I almost got today at a local chain drugstore.

    I bought my stuff, entered my phone number, redeemed my points, chatted with the clerk, took my bag and went to my car.  As I got to my car, I wanted to check my receipt to see if the prices were right on the items I bought.  No receipt. As I thought about it, I did not remember putting my credit card away.  Or taking it out.

    Turns out, I never paid for the items!

    The clerk was about to head out the door after me when I walked back in and asked her, "Did I pay for this?"  She said no, and she didn't realize it until she tried ringing up the next customer and her computer said the transaction was not complete.

    I was almost a shoplifter. 

    On the ground squirrel front, I caught number 3 today and this was a large one, so it might have been mom or dad for the other two.  I released it in the same spot, and it ran in the same direction, so hopefully they have a family reunion.

    And finally  this from WTH is going on department.

    Went to mow.  Looked for a glass to fill with ice and water.  Took it out to mow.  Came back in.  On the counter was a glass filled with ice and water.  Since Jackie doesn't walk, I assume I filled one glass, found a second and filled that. 

    Luckily, my ice maker kept up with my demands.

Peace and Love

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