Tuesday, July 13, 2021

crappers, Batman

 I have spent two restless nights

    I was up at 3 playing solitaire.  I could have talked to Julia, because it was 9 there and she was up.

    I have gone to bed at about 11:30, but can't sleep.  

    At least I was up in time to wish Emily a happy birthday!

    Emily was born in what was then Rockford Memorial Hospital.  Funny, John now works there.

    Anyway, she was supposed to be a July 4 baby, but Jackie is never on time.  So she arrived July 13.  That happened to be Jackie's dad's birthday too.

    So there we are, going to Rockford for the good doctor to induce labor.

    I was in the room when they finally decided to take her to delivery.  The nurse looked at me and asked if I was coming to watch.  I said no, I was going for coffee!  I then told her that I have a tendency to pass out at the sight of bodily fluids and I did not want to end up on the floor while our baby was being born.

    When we came home, Julia started crying because we would not let her carry or hold Emily.  Once we got in the house, we got Julia in a chair, and gave her Emily to hold.  One of my favorite pictures of all time is Julia holding a newborn Emily, and tears are coming down Julia's face.

    It was not too long after getting her home that we had a bit of a problem.

    Jackie started bleeding.  A lot.  I called the doctor, he told us to come to the emergency room ASAP and he would meet us there.

    At the time, it was US 51...a 2 lane road leading to Rockford.  No divided highway, no railroad overpass, just a road often blocked by trains.

    Julia sat in the back seat holding Emily. Or maybe Julia sat next to Jackie, I can't remember.

    But I do remember driving along and a voice coming from the back of the car, a tiny voice asking, "Is Mommy going to die?"  She asked a couple of times.  I said no, she was just bleeding and it would be all right.

    My brother lived in Rockford and he and my sister in law came to the hospital to pick up our girls.

    It was quite a scary night.

    But I digress.  

Happy birthday to Emily.  We are so glad you joined us.

Peace and Love

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