Thursday, July 15, 2021

Oh, what a night

 Wednesday night was exceedingly tiresome

    It was a dark and stormy night.  I have not been sleeping well, and the thought of storms at night makes me as nervous as a turkey the week before Thanksgiving.

    I magaged to fall asleep and the weather radio sounded an alarm.  I hit the button and went back to bed.  I fell asleep.  And the wether radio sounded an alarm.  I hit the button.

    I no sooner got to bed when it sounded again.  

    Five times.  Thunderstorm warning.  Thunderstorm watch. Counties all around us and including ours.

    At some point after the last alarm, I was almost in sleepland when I felt a movement at my feet.  Corki came up into bed, and came all the way up to our chest areas and then settled in between us.  The thunder or lightning must have scared her, or the weather alarm did. She stayed there for half an hour of so then got up and I put her on the floor.

    I did not get a lot of sleep.

    I have not had afternoon caffeine for three days, so I don't think that is the issue.

    I am going to do some relaxation exercises tonight, and tomorrow I will get some Melatonin and see if that helps.

    I just feel so draggy lately.

    I had rehearsal tonight and Jackie had a library board meeting.  I stayed at rehearsal until her meeting was over, then I picked her up and we went home.  

    We drove through Emily's neighborhood and as we slowly passed her house, I saw a group of people on the driveway across the street.  One guy had a dog. 

    I did not look to closely, and Jackie did not look at all.  I thought maybe it was John and Emily with Oberon, so I turned around and we drove slowly past again. 

    But it wasn't Emily and John, just their neighbors, one of whom is the sheriff.  We got to the corner and Jackie said don't go down the street again, so I went ther long route.

    I have no reason for telling that story.  At the time, it seemed funny.

    And just curious, how many followed up the first line with, "it was late September back in '63?"  Just wondering.

Peace and Love

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