Wednesday, January 13, 2021


I had a mishap this afternoon

    I sat down at the computer to read the Tribune.  I had just finished about 2 and noticed my eyes were very heavy.

    So I sat in my chair for a minute......and  woke up at 4:15.

    I had a 5:30 Zoom meeting, so I made a coffee to wake me up and here I am, 9 p.m. and wide awake.  I wonder when I will sleep tonight.

    Somehow I did manage to do 2 loads of laundry before nap time.

    I may be going crazy.

    We have drier balls; those wool things that take the place of drier sheets.

    I have bought 2 three packs in the past two years.  These are big balls.  (Go ahead perverts, my drier has big balls.  There.  It's out of the way.)

    So explain to me why I only have 2 balls?  (Again, pervs,  ball jokes?)

    I mean, they can't go down the drain, they can't just fall into a crack (Don't even go there with ball jokes!) and I never put them any place except the drier and the drawer below the drier. And I don't play with them.  Strictly for the drier.

    I suspect Julia will find one or two in her clothes back in Switzerland.  There may be a couple in sleeves or legs of clothing we have hung in the closet, but I have checked and not found any.  I know, not finding them does not mean they are not there.

    I still can't find the tea colander either.

    I am beginning to think we have a pooka or some other spirit roaming the house.

  This morning I heard a pounding on the outside wall of our bedroom.  I went to investigate and tracks in the snow, no evidence of anyone there.  But the pounding woke Jackie and me, so I know it was not my imagination.  Corki even lifted her head.

    Melting ice?  It was on the west side of the house, in the shadows.

    Probably the  pooka bouncing balls off the wall while sipping leaf less tea.

    And with that, I'm officially nuts.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love 

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