Saturday, January 2, 2021


I love doing crossword puzzles 

    I did not say I was good at them, but I love doing them.

    I can work on a puzzle for hours, or at least 10 minutes, and not figure it out.  The next day I look at it and the answers come in crystal clear.  Strange how the mind works.

    Julia gave me a crossword puzzle book for Christmas and some of he puzzles have me baffled.  It's not because of what you would normally think, but they have "classic" puzzles from the early 1950s an 60s.

    Some of the clues don't make sense.  Like "river in Kenya."  Well, since 1956 some of the names of cities and rivers have changed, and I might not be familiar with the old names.  Or the new ones, for that matter.

    Another term was "clothes moth."  It's 5 letters, and I am not sure if that was slang for someone who liked clothes or if they are actually wanting the name of a clothes moth......of which none are only five letters.

    But it is still a challenge.  A 1952 puzzle clue was "former secretary of state."  I have no idea about secretaries of state that may have been alive when I was four years old.  

    I do have two options.  I can look at the answers and say, "oh yeah!  I knew tehat."  Or I could attempt to Google it.  The problem with doing that is often it leads me to another bit of info that leads me to another bit of info and an hour later I don't remember what I was looking for in the first place.

    I have read where doing crosswords keeps one's mind active and alert.  Maybe it will prevent brain farts as I continue to age.  Not sure it is helping much though, I bought some new pencils specifically to do the crosswords.  I put them away in a place I would find them.

    That was four days ago.  Looked a lot since then and did finally find them today.

    Now, if I only knew a four letter word for theatrical group that starts and ends with an A and I will have 2 down and 15 across.

Peace and Love

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