Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 Today was a pretty routine day

    No lost key.  No lost telephone.  Supper and dishes done early.

    It is about 7:30 and Corki is sitting on the floor whining.  Why?  Because it is her treat time!  If she does not get her treat at 7:30, we are in big trouble.

    Today she went out into the snow.  It was pretty deep for her.  Now, remember she is a dog from Alabama (with a banjo on her knee) but we have had her for 5 years now.  The first winter she seemed puzzled by snow.  This winter, she went outside, lay down and rolled it it.  Then she put her nose in the snow and "shoveled" it for a few inches.  

    She does not like it when I throw snow on her.  I used to toss snowballs at her, and    she would jump when they hit the ground.  She never chased them or investigated them, so I think things like that scare her.

    She has trained us well.

    As a digression, I finished the puzzle outline.  I took apart two sides and put them back together with alternate combinations and that seemed to work.  The pieces fit a lot better and I used all the pieces for the four sides.  Now for the hard part.

    I also shoveled he walk in case it rains and freezes again.  It was not much of an effort, because only about 6 feet had snow...the rest blew away.  But it is clean now.  We'll see what it looks like after the weekend storm rolls through.

    Hopefully an early bed time tonight...gotta get up earlier than I have been.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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