Friday, January 15, 2021

day....tea time....304

I still have not found my tea colander 

    That is a source of irritation.

    However,  I still enjoy my tea.

    Emily gave me a tea Advent calendar for Christmas.  I was a little hesitant, because I am pretty much a conservative tea drinker.

    But I have had several of the 21 flavors, and have been impressed.  One I especially liked was an almond blend, but I tossed out the bag, so have no idea what it was.  Yesterday I had a blend with anise, fennel and caraway.  It sounds like it would not be so good, but the aroma was great and the taste was great too.

    I also have some Brigadoon tea, a loose leaf tea which is made only in leap years!  That too is very tasty.

    Julia a couple of years ago gave me some Mariage Freres Esprit de Noel, a black tea with festive spices.  Absolutely delicious.

    Not having my colander makes it a little less fun, because it is a funky little tea pot for one cup brews.  But I do have several tea balls and strainers, so I am still enjoying tea.

    My favorite summer tea is Earl Gray, which has a hint of bergamot.  The Countess of Highclere Castle usually has an Earl Gray at 4:30 every day, tea time.  But I have mine about 3 just to give the caffeine a chance to run out of my body.

    Enough about tea.

    I opened a fortune cookie and it's fortune was this:  Behind every able man there

    And that is where it stopped.  

    So, it's up to you folks.  Tell me how it should end!

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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