Saturday, January 9, 2021

day.....the end is near.....298

 I always get a little sad when Christmas is over

    Yes, I miss the lights and the excitement of the season.  I miss the hope and optimism the reason for the season presents.

    I miss the tree, the memories of the ornaments, the pine needles everywhere, the once powerful but lately barely noticable pine smell.  

    I think of people from my past no longer around to celebrate the holidays; my brother, parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends.......and I tend to get a little teary eyed.

    But the biggest reason I get sad at the end of the holiday means Julia will be returning to Switzerland.....and she is, tomorrow.

    I believe this will be the first time since she moved there in 2002 that I will not be taking her to the airport.  I am not at the point I can help with her 50 pound suitcases, filled with barbecue sauce, parmesan cheese, and Mini Raviolas.  And someone needs to be around for Jackie, since it takes about 4 to 5 hours for the airport trip.  And finally, just not sure about high riskers like me being at the airport with the ongoing Covid pandemic.

    So tomorrow, I will watch John and Emily take her to O'Hare, and I will go off somewhere to shed a few tears and maybe pour myself a stiff drink.

    Because no matter how many times we do this dance, I am still out of step.

    Normally I would be looking forward to visiting  her in about 6 months, but a lot has to improve in the world for that to happen.  I can only hope.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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