Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 I have few  words about today

    I tend not to get political, but I can't hold this in.  If it upsets you, then feel free to unfriend me.

    Trump is a lunatic.  A power hungry, money grubbing, lying, lunatic.  He is unsafe to have in the White House.

    People stormed the Capitol, as you all know.  One woman was shot and killed.  Terrorists took over government offices and property, and posed for pictures, vandalized it, made a mockery of our government.

    Why?  Because we have a president who has lied so ofen and so long about the election being stolen that people believe it.  There is no evidence of wide spread fraud.  Every state has certified their votes.  No widespread fraud was found.

    Did people vote who should not have?  I am sure they did.  But not enough to make a difference.

    And now I read that the protestors were not really Trumpites but Anti Fa disguised as Trump supporters.  No proof.  No evidence.  No basis in fact.  But people are posting that on line.  And believing it.

    I have never been more enraged than I was seeing confederate flags in the center of our democracy.  It is an out rage.  

    I hope that every person they can identify gets prosecuted for treason.

    Sorry for my negativity.  But I am more sorry for our country.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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