Thursday, January 14, 2021


 I have faithfully been doing my exercises

    I have been working my pelvic floor daily.  Tightening and stretching, stretching and tightening, breathing in and out via my abdomen and not my chest.

    All of this to help me control my flow, if you know what I mean.

    These are also called kegels.  Basically same exercises, same area of the bod, same effect.

    Today we (my sincerely awesome and wonderful therapist) discovered that maybe I have done more tightening than stretching.  So I have a week off of my regular routine to work on stretching my pelvic floor because my muscles are too tight.

    Yes.  That is right.  I have officially become a tight ass.

    I need to work on relaxing.  She gave me some exercises to do three times a day, with the warning not to fall asleep when done, I will be so relaxed.

    I don't think they will help tonight.  I had a venti Pistachio today just to see if I liked it.  It was ok, but I don't think I will have another one.

    My mind is racing.  A few weeks ago she said "You are an adult, make adult decisions."  I know drinking a large caffinated coffee at 3:30 was not the best choice now, but at 3:30 it seemed like an ok thing to do.  I know the caffeine stays in my body for several hours, so maybe by 1 a.m. I will be asleep. Or 2.

    So now I am having a hot toddy to try to tone down the brain.  

    Someday I will learn.  It just wasn't today.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

And the toddy might be affecting my sorry.

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