Thursday, January 28, 2021


I am getting confused a lot 

    You may notice, without having to go to work, days just sort of blend together.  Monday becomes Wednesday before you know it.

    I went to Rockford today and really got a shock. 

    At the corner of Il 251 and 64 there is a restaurant.  It became temporarily famous when the tornado hit and buried 7 or 8 people in the basement.  All were rescued and miraculously none were seriously hurt.

    I pulled up to the intersection today and thought I was lost.  Two new buildings are going up, one looks like a strip mall type place and the other looks like an 8 car garage.  There are few houses around, so it just puzzles me.  But at that moment it also confused me because I was used to seeing just the restaurant.

    But I was not lost, just momentarily confused.

    With new fairly fresh snow, it is easy to see the deer tracks in the yard.  Yesterday we had none....but today, they were all over the yard. 

    When I get up in the middle of the night I often look out the windows, hoping to see some deer.  That has only happened once.  But it was obvious they were right up to the house last night because the snow was scraped away and the grass exposed.

    Maybe with the full moon tonight I will finally see them this winter.  By the way, this is the Wolf Moon.....and I have to Google that to find out why.

    Meanwhile, I have to go howl.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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