Tuesday, January 5, 2021


 Sometimes I think the modern age is ptooey

    We got our credit card bill today.  There was a charge I did not recognize.  I Googled the company, which was in Oregon, Il.  But they deal in a product or service I would NEVER use, because of me, not them.

    So I called. 

    A very nice lady called back and said I was at least the fifth person to call about a charge!  It seems the product I did purchase was from a company with a similar name.  Instead of John Doe, it was John Doe LLC.  (Fake names....changed to protect the innocent.)

    So I contacted John Doe LLC, but by now I had figured out it was the Christmas tree.

    Within 15 minutes a lady from Sinnissippi called, said she got a call from the other business, and confirmed that I  bought a tree and that ws the charge.

    When a  business bills under a different name, it always seem suspicious.  Glad my card wasn't hacked.

    Then I called another company that makes shower ramps.  We have a 3 inch lip on the shower, and getting Jackie in and out requires a little lifting.  So I called a company  that makes ramps.

    The rep said they don't deal directly to the public, and gave me a company and number that does.  They said, "Ask for Jane.  She will take care of you."

    I called.  Gaylan  answered and said Jane is on the phone, takes a message.

    Jane calls and asks how I know her, because my name has never appeared on her accounts.  I explain what I want and how I got her name.  However, she is the purchasing agent and I need to talk to a sales rep who happens to be Gaylan and he is out right now.

    In the end, everything is sorted out.  Ramp ordered, credit card ok, life is good.

    Confusing sometimes, but good.

    Take care.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

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