Wednesday, January 27, 2021

day......Heereee's Johnny! 316

I used to always watch Johnny Carson 

    Deep down inside, I wanted to be him.  Late night tv show host, funny, meeting great people...... I truly envied him.  I always wondered why him and not me?  What sets us on our different paths?  Luck?  Fate?  Marriage?  Who you know?

    I tuned in one of his shows last night and was reminded of how funny he could be.  Jim Fowler brought some animals along, an up and coming comedian was on, and so was a "new face" in Hollywood.

    During his monologue he mentioned Kodak had just brought out a new product....the disposable camera.  Holy crap, that show was old!

    The  Mighty Carson  Art Players performed, with Carson and Teresa Ganzel, doing Tea Time Matinee.  She replaced Carol Wayne, who I remember vividly for her outstanding features. 

    I had no idea who Teresa Ganzel was, so I Googled her.  She has had a long career in movies and tv, mostly in shows I never watched, and in some cases never heard of.

    The comedian was Bob Nelson, who did a bit where he was a football team doing a commercial.  What I saw was pretty funny.

    But I had to Google him too because that name was unfamiliar to me.  He, too, has had a long career on stage, opening for acts and doing shows in Branson.  Unfortunately, Wikipedia noted he was diagnosed with colon cancer late in 2020.

    Jim Fowler brought out an Andes condor, and made the statement the California condor was on the verge of extinction.

    Again, thanks to Google I learned that in 1987 the last wild California condor was captured.  Their total poulation was 29, all in captivity.  Using a variety of zoos, the condors were bred and offspring were hatched.  In 2019 there were 519 of the birds. some still in captivity and some in the wild.  They have been reintroduced in California and other Western states.

    As a side note, we have a drawing Betsy Fowler did of four elephants.  It is titled "Family" and is a numbered print.  We bought it in a Chicago suburb when the kids were little.  I remember going to pick it up and the sidewalk crunching under us because there was a locust infestation year.  Good times.

    In a sense the show drove home the advancements, or at least changes, that have taken place.  Disposable cameras were new, now hardly anyone uses film.  Condors on the verge of extinction are once again flying the skies.  I wonder if they evere imagined that.

    But I still wonder why Johhny and not me.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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