Friday, January 1, 2021


 Seven years ago today I started this blog

    My goal was to complete a project.  I figured doing a daily musing on my life would be a good goal....not to hard, not to easy.

    Little did I know I would still be doing it 7 years later.

    During this time I have shared with you my journey through life.  Some of it has been funny, because I have done some funny things.  Some has been nostalgic, because I live in the past a lot.  Some of it has been plain dumb.

    Some entries have been sad, even tragic.  Emily and John losing their house and almost all their possessions  in a tornado; my cancer diagnosis and operation, Jackie's life with MS, incliuding her falls and injuries.

    You have been with me at Emily and John's wedding, my trips to Cuba and the Nethlerlands, in Switzerland and on my birthdays and our anniversaries.  You worried about me when I lost my resolve in Barcelona, and laughed when I explained someone was looking for Resolve to clean a spill.

    I have told you way to many things I should not have because, honestly, you really don't want to know, or need to know, about my peeing habits since my traitorous  prostrate was removed.  (Much improved, by the way.)

    I admit, there have been nights I did not want to write.  Maybe I was upset, depressed,  busy, tired, or just did not have anything to write about.  I am sure there were nights you have not read my little missives for the same reasons.

    That's ok. 

    I just want to start 2021 off by saying thank you for the comments, the likes, the page visits and for taking an interest in my usually mundane, boring life.

    I think it was Tennessee Ernie Ford who used to say, "See you next week if the Good Lord's willing and the crick don't rise."

    Well, no crick around here, but the ice on the trees is beginning to really build and that could mean some power outages later......but maybe that crick won't rise either.

    Have a healthy and safe 2021.  Keeping reading, or not, it's your choice.

    But realize it has been my pleasure to bring a little of me into your lives.

Peace and Love

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