Friday, January 8, 2021

day....oh shoot.....297

 Sometimes I am not very careful

    In yesterday's award winning post, I wrote a well thought out poem.  I did have a couple of errors though, two misspellings that changed the meaning of the poem.

    It was no longer about renewal, rebirth and the resurgence of the human spirit. Rather it pointed to the futility of the creative process.

    I have no idea what any of that means, by the way.

    I did have a physical therapy appointment yesterday.  (Basically, my young PT is teaching me how to urinate again.  It's not rocket science, but it is damn close,)

    When I go in, I have to don an approved medical mask.  Thus, I take off my mask and put the approved mask on, then I sanitize my hands and they take my temp.

    Yesterday the man who checks me in came to me in the waiting area and asked if I left my mask behind.

    I looked at it and said I had a Cubs mask, but that wasn't the one I wore.

    He said he would leave it at the front desk for someone to claim, pointing out I had been the only one in during the last 15 minute. He left.  I looked in my coat pocket and, surprise, no mask!  So I went and got it, telling him I had 4 Cubs masks and did not think I had worn this one.

    After therapy, I was walking out and one of the staff came racing up to me and said I had dropped my mask.  

    That damn thing was difficult to keep track of yesterday.

    I went for a  walk in the woods today, took a lot of pictures.  I may share some tomorrow, but I think we are all gettting burned out on frosty trees and icicles.

    Still, they are beautiful.  And it was quiet and beautiful in the woods. I think Corki would have liked to go, but our neighbor was walking her dog in the park two weeks ago and both were attacked by a stray.  Her dog and her  bit, severely, and I believe the woman has to get rabi shots.  Or is it rabbi?  Damn, I am getting old and not remembering basic spelling.  Rabi shots.  

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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