Tuesday, January 19, 2021

day,,,,,,, ...dinner.....308

I am not a good cook 

    I admit it.  I overcook meat, undercook pasta, overcook vegetables and in general, prepare dishes that are edible.

    Usually this is what happens.  I make a salad.  I do this when the meal is cooking.  The meat gets done early and is black, the beans get put on when the meat is done and who knows how long the potatoes have been cooking because I forgot when I put them on.  And whenever I make garlic bread, the smoke alarms go off and the dog runs around in a panic.

    Usually I then eat my semi hot food and then the salad.  Backwards.

    But tonight was different.  I set timers.  I made sure the carrots cooked for the right amount of time.  Everything was ready at about the same time. Except we did not have a salad because I ran out of Romaine.  

    That is a first.  Everything done about the right time, not the Romaine part.

    I don't know how people do it, cooking a meal and having it come together at the same time.  For me, it's a crap shoot and tonight it worked out.

    I have  a friend who posts on Facebook  the most incredible looking meals he has prepared and I wonder how he does it.

    They always look great.  Mine always look a little like, well, not great.

    But Jackie and I are not starving, sot I guess I am doing ok.

    I just wish I was better at it.   Maybe I need to take a cooking class.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay fed.

Peace and Love

PS.....this would have been posted an hour ago, but we lost power....again......damn wind!

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