Sunday, January 24, 2021

day .....olio.....313

Just a few odds and ends to share today 

    After chopping away for many hours, I have a clear sidewalk path from the driveway to the front porch.  Actually, it was more like pregame, half game and between games that I chopped.  I threw ice melter on it three times, and that helped.  Now to see what happens over the next two days.

    I worked on my crossword puzzles today.  Here's a funny thing.  I spent two days on a puzzle from 1956 and I only have about 20 clues filled in.  I did a current puzzle while eating breakfast.  Have the puzzles been dumbed down, like many other things in society, or is it because of the questions?

    I notice the puzzles in the 50s have a lot of references to French or German words, phrases and landmarks.  I wondered if that was because the war was still pretty fresh and a lot of people were focused on the news from Europe.  I know people followed the battles in the daily papers, and maybe they were more aware of Europe than we are now.

    On the other hand, in current puzzles there are  Spanish phrases or words.....a sign of the times?

    Still, in a modern puzzle the clue was a morning meal and it was 9 letters.  Not exactly a difficult clue.  In the 1956 puzzle they asked for the name of a two toed sloth, 5 letters.  Terry did not work.

    Rooted for the Packers because I wanted to see a showdown between two insurance commercial stars, each with their own rates.

    I see commercials with famous people in them and I ask myself:  Who are these people?

    Emily had to explain who The Weekend is.  He is entertaining at the Super Bowl.  Even after she said it, I am clueless.  I asked Siri and she said Saturday and Sunday, which was no help at all.  Now the Pepsi commercial with him driving a car makes more sense.

    So....running to the store early tomorrow in advance of the 6-300 inch snowfall because when Emily was at the store and asked if we needed anything I actually thought we had milk.  If it snowing early, we will go milkless.

    Are there snowdays for schools doing all distance learning?

    Stay safe.  Enjoy the snow.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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