Thursday, January 21, 2021


 I don't think I sleep at night, I nap

    I swear, it seems to be getting worse.

    I have some relaxation exercises.  Last week they were pretty effective.  I relaxed, fell asleep, got some rest....until about 2 a.m.  Then I was up and pacing the house.

    Now?  Pfft.  I went to bed at 11:30 last night.  By going to bed, I mean the tv was off, I had finished reading, and I was doing my relaxation excercises.  When the cuckoo chirpped 12, I redid the exercises.  When it went off again, I tried a third time.  Finally, at 1:30 I got up an took a sleep aid.

    Now, I should have gotten a good night's sleep.....except it was windy and recycling day.  The recycling guys come around 8.  So I set the alarm for 7:30 and took out my recycling.

    I did fall back asleep until about 9:15, when Jackie had to get up.  I am tired.

    I had PT today, and my therapist suggested I get a little more active during the day as that will tire me out mentally and physically.  A suggested activity was going up and down the stairs for 10 minutes or so, gradually increasing that time each week.

    It has to be worth a try.

        Funny thing.  When the power went off the other night, I reset the bedroom clock.  I also set the alarm for 8 Wednesday morning so we could be dressed for the inauguration.  But the alarm never went off....until 8 p.m. last night.  It seems I reset the clock for a.m. when  it was p.m., so the alarm went off at 8 p.m. even though it was set for 8 a.m.  Jackie heard it going off and asked me what the noise was.  I didn't have my ears in, so I heard nothing until I walked into the bedroom.  

    Actually, it isn't that funny.

    I am tired.  I admit it.  Hopefully tonight will bring sleep.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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