Sunday, January 17, 2021

day ............. 306

 I did not win the lottery last week

    Maybe I will this week.  I think they are well over half a billion dollars for both games!  I would be happy to win and pay taxes of 200 million or so.  I have already spent a huge chunk of the money in my mind and I hope I get to spend it in real life.

    I am feeling lucky.  I found my tea strainer thingy.  Emily bought me some Kind bars and I shoved them up on the shelf.  Although I looked there twice, today I took the bars off the shelf and the strainer was right behind them.  I am happy.

    I also now have 4 drier balls, up from the 2 I had prior to cleaning Julia's room after she left.

    I have a couple of goals this week:  trimming some trees, packing up  the garland and outdoor lights, hanging the new Dyson, working on a puzzle.  

    It seems a strange time to trim trees, but I read an article that said to trim when they are in a frozen period to prevent infections from freeze'thaw cycles.  I think this week should be cold. Also, winter time gives a better idea of branch structure and what needs to come off.

    The garland and lights are in the basement thawing.  I won't put them away wet, and it has been two days so I am sure they are dry.  And thawed.

    For some reason my last few posts have been rather mundane.  Maybe it's the gray skies, or the isolation, but nothing funny or unusual has happened.  Except the pooka visits, but even that seems to have disappeared.

    Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting.

    Stay calm.  Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

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