Monday, January 25, 2021


I was so frustrated today 

        I was going to the store before the storm.  I thought I should fill up Jackie's car and get some milk and some other perishables we might need over the next two days.

    I could not find my car key.  Emily had our second key, but I could not find my car key.  I looked in my sweatshirts, coat pockets, under piles of paper, under the seat, between the seats.....literally everywhere it could be.

    Emily brought our second key over and she looked in the car, in my coat pockets, under piles of paper.....nada, nothing, nil, zilch.

    I spent almost an hour looking.  Under the bed, under the dresser, in cushions, under the washer.

    I know I had the key because I drove the car last Thursday.  It had to be in the house, right?  Or did I accidentally put it in the trash, or recycling?  

    I had a bag of plastic bags to recycle, I picked them up to take to WM.  But I also set them down and could not find them!  Walked around th egarage twice before I spied them.

    When I got home, I realized the only place I did not look was in the dirty clothes.  On the top of the basket was my Resist Alt National Park Service sweatshirt with Smokie on the front.  I put my hand in the pocket.....and  there it was.

    So for a few minutes, I was less frustrated.  But then I went to spend some calming time working on my puzzle and damn, I can't get the sides together yet!  Pieces that look like they fit, don't.  There are spaces on each side where it looks like 2 or 3 pieces are missing, but the ones I have don't fit.

    I have checked the pieces four times and can't find anymore edge pieces.  

    My calming time rapidly became another frustrating moment in life.

    Hopefully tomorrow I won't lose anything important, like my mind.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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