Friday, January 29, 2021

day.....go figure.....318

 Sometimes I don't understand myself

    We ordered take out tonight.  The fast food place is about 10 minutes from the house.

    They said it would be ready in 10-15 minutes.

    I took Corki with because she likes to go for rides.  Grabbed my phone, keys, mask, and took off.

    I pulled up to the restaurant, got out of the car, reached for my wallet....not there.  I forgot it!  

    Got back in the car, drove home, got my wallet, drove it has been 30 minutes since I ordered.

    When I got to the restaurant they were just about ready to call my number to see if I was coming.

    Otherwise today was a pretty good day.  I went to the rec center and walked, although I don't know how far I actually walked.  I play The Beatles on my phone and it plays through my hearing aids, so when I walk I sing along with the boys.

    Now, 6 laps is a mile.  Because I sing, I don't remember how many laps I have gone.  I either went 6, 7, or 8.  I know a youngster passed me four times, so I think I went 8.  From now on, I am taking a counter.

    I don't know how I did it, but I downloaded some albums twice.  So when I listen, I hear the same song twice.  In a row.  I don't know how to undo it.

    And the last puzzler of the day.  For the past two Thursdays I have slept very well....I only got up once last night and after a walk  through the house, went back to bed and right to sleep.  BTW...I  did not see any deer in the incredibly bright moonlight.

    But also for the last two Thursdays I have had a venti white chocolate mocha from Starbucks.  Venti.  And I slept well.   Go figure.

    Now, just going to sit back and wait for the snow......maybe a lot of it.

    Be safe.  Be careful.  Be Healthy

Peace and Love

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