Sunday, January 3, 2021


I should have been an inventor 

    Never mnd the fact I can't do things with my hands.  (No comment, Bethie!) But I come up with ideas!

    When I was a kid I got an Erector set for Christmas one year.  There were diagrams for how to build certain machines, like cranes with working buckets, and Ferris wheels that really turned.

    I built a square.  Yep.  Not a 3 demensional one, just 4 pieces laid out in the shape of a square.  Then I bolted them together with the little screws and bolts.  I also made a couple of triangles.  I could never get the hang of assembling things so that they worked.

    But inventions?  I have a couple of ideas, all thanks to Covid.

    In car heated food carriers.  These are insulated bags that plug into your dashboard. When you pick up takeout, you put it in the bag and plug it in to keep your food warm until you get home.

    Brilliant, right?

    Fake Zoom meetings.  Instead of a backdrop, you would have a screen that would show you sitting at a desk and listening intently to the speaker.  You could then be doing things that interest you more, like plucking out nosehairs.  You would appear lifelike in the video, occasionally nodding your hnead, drinking coffee, putting your hand on your chin as if you were deep in thought.  Of course, these could only be used for seminars, not meetings  in which you might be asked an opinion on a project or issue.

    Phones with built in ultra violet lights.  These are the rays that kill viruses, right?  Use your phone to scan the grocery cart handle, the pen someone gave you to use, the handles on your car, the key pads at the grocery store.  You would kill the germs before you use the pad, or pen, or whatever.

    Hair style colanders.   Need a hair cut?  Place the colander of your choice on your head and simply trim  the hairs sticking out of the colander openings!  Easy to do.  There could even be an extension that goes over the ears and nose for those of us over 70.  It would make trimming up for the big night in really easy.

    I know, some of you are laughing.  (Hopefully)   They did that to Bell, Tesla and Edison too, but they persevered and made our lives different.

    Mine could too.....if I knew how to make anything but squares and triangles.

    Hope your new year is going great!  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay distanced.

Peace and Love

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