Tuesday, January 12, 2021


 I am spending some time organizing

    No, not political or union organizing, but putting stuff in the right place.

    Almost all the Christmas stuff is in the basement and on shelves....almost.  I can't get the outside lights off yet because they are frozen in place, probably until July.  But the box they go in is on the shelf already, so there is a place for them.

    Julia has several boxes of things she never took with, so today I moved them all into the closet under the stairs.  Now when she does come back they will all be in one spot.

    I have some craft supplies I am offering to a friend, once I remember to call her.  That may eliminate three more smaller boxes.

    My last year teaching was 2008.  I found a box today with stuff from my desk!  Sheri, it can be yours!  The broken pens, the palm pilot, a painted rock, a couple of pictures......why am I holding on to it?  Why can't I just toss it?  Sigh.

    The weird thing is, I don't ever remember having a palm pilot....until today.

    I think Emily gave me a little tea pot, red metal pot with a circular colander like insert.  You put loose leaf tea in the insert, put it in the pot, pour hot water over it, and when you pour out your tea, no tea leaves.  (In case you did not know, for the best tea you pour the water over the tea, you don't put the tea in water.)  Well, the little colander thingy has disappeared, so I cleaned the pantry today looking for it.

    I did find a pack of green flour tortillas.  They originally were not green.

    I did find 45 packages of treats for the dog.

    I did find half a bag of Oreos, a quarter of a bag of flat pretzels for dipping, an unopened bag of Dot's southwest style pretzels, and Jimmy Hoffa.

    But no colander thingy.

    I swear, it was on the shelf next to the pot just two weeks ago.  I'll have to check my shoes.

    Why?  For some reason, a lot of missing stuff ends up in my shoes.

    Go figure.

    Tomorrow.....more organinzing.  Plus I have to arrange a meeting with a financial advisor because I know I am winning the lottery tonight.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Sweet dreams.

Peace and Love

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