Friday, January 22, 2021

day....I'm listening.....311

 Sometimes technology can be very scary

    Do a search for lamps and your Facebook page and other on line pages fill with lamp ads. 

    Your cell phone tracks where you go....and can listen even when you are not using it as a phone.  

    But yesterday.....well, I'll tell you.

    We have 3 units of something I can't remember.  Siri does not know what she is called either.  But we have  baseball sized balls in the bedroom, living room and den.

    I can say, "Hey, Siri....what is the temperature in Rochelle Il?" and she will tell me.  She can play music off my phone, but I don't remember how to do that.  She can give me information....such as the population of Rochelle in 2019 was 9,052. (I just asked.)

    We use her for an intercom.....Jackie can talk to me from the bedroom without having to use a phone to call me when I am in the den.

    Yesterday three of us were sitting in the living room.  One person said, "That was stupid." and Siri said, "That is not nice to say."

    We never said Hey, Siri!  We were not even using it!  Siri was listening to us!

    That is scary!  

    Now my phone, computer, Siri pods....all of them know what I am saying! Do they know what I am thinking too?  

    I have tried to replicate what happened, but I can't.  All I can say is the three of us were stunned......really, stunned!...when she chastised us.

    Any more behavior like that and I will have to unplug her.  Just don't tell her, because who knows what she is capable of.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy  Watch out for snow.

Peace and Love

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