Saturday, January 30, 2021


 Here's another episode in eeewwww

    Actually doing this early tonight.  It is windy, rainy, freezing rain, with snow expected at some point.  A lot of snow.  Maybe 10 inches.  Or a little snow.  Maybe 2-3 inches.  Who knows.  But often we lose power under these conditions.  I have 2 gallon jugs filled with drinking water and a 5 gallon pail filled with flush the toilet water....which means power will not go out.

    Anyway, I had a slice of apple at lunch today.  Part of it got stuck  (so much for eating healthy) and I started to choke.  Not Heimlich level choking, but choking to the point I could not get the apple out of my windpipe.

    Eventually it cleared .... but something did not feel right.  My nose was feeling odd.  I blew my nose....nothing.  But it still felt odd.  So I got some nose spray and sprayed it in my nose and blew really hard.

    A piece of apple came out!!!!

    What the hell?!@

    What if that had been a seed?  Would I have an apple tree growing in my sinus cavity?

    Holy crap, it hurt too.

    And no, I did not eat the bit...I did toss it,

    Just prior to that I went out to get the mail.  

    I hit the driveway, which was solid ice.  I thought  the hurricane force winds were going to get blow me over.  The rain was pelting my face, the wind was going right through my lounge pants, (NO, these are NOT pajama bottoms.  Lounge pants!!  Damnit!!) and I wondered if I fell who would rescue me?

    That was at 3:30 and our driveway was already drifted over with about a foot of snow, but it was just blowing snow, nothing that was due to fall from the sky.

    The worst part is..... I don't think the mailman had come yet.  So I will make the trip again....shuffling very slowly and hoping to maintain balance.

    I am waiting for it to get good and slippery and dark because we all know that is when a 70 year old man should venture out.

    Be safe my friends.  Be smart.  Unlike me.

Peace and Love

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