Wednesday, January 20, 2021

day....hail to the chief......309

This inauguration was sure different 

    An army lined the streets, not many civilians,  no crowds on the was somber and yet welcoming.

    I did not like Trump.  I did not like him as president, I did not like him as developer, game show host, reality tv show host or human being.

    So as odd as the inauguration was, I enjoyed it.

    It got me thinking of a time long ago.

    Well, look at this.

    Recognize anyone?

    Yes, I am the thin guy with glasses, a moustache, killer sideburns and a very chic cordurory sports coat, complete with faux leather arm patches.

    But what about the man I am shaking hands with?  Look familiar?

    Gerald R. Ford, president of the United States.

    I think there was a second picture of his face in profile and me still gripping his hand, but that has long disappeared.

    He spoke at the Northern Illinois Editorial Association conference at the Marriot Hotel in Chicago.  It was March 27, 1976.  (Incidentally, March 27 is Jackie's birthday.)

    As he left through the crowd he passed right in front of me.  I shook his hand.  I don't remember what I said, but it was probably, "It's a pleasure to meet you."  I liked him.

    I was with the Rochelle News Leader at the time.  I was not the only staffer attending, Millie, Harry, Mary Jan, Jane and Sharon, if you are reading this,  were too.  At least according to the March 27 1976 Presidential Daily Diary, Appendix 1, Page 2.

    Several of my fellow J students from NIU were also on the approved visitor list, Ray, Kathy and Jeff, Mike, Linda; but I don't remember seeing them.  Granted, that was 45 years ago and I don't remember yesterday either.  Plus, there were hundreds of us, from small town or weekly publications.

    My mother had this picture on display for years.  I found it in the last box of pictures from the good old days.

    You know what?  I'm thinking those sideburns and the 'stache might still look good on me!

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

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