Sunday, January 31, 2021


 We only had about 5 inches of snow

    As you know, it has snowed off and on during the day....a very pretty snowfall.  We did not get the 10 inch plus drop some forecasts predicted, which is fine with me.

    We have our driveway plowed, but the sidewalk needed to be shoveled for the dog.

    Let me explain.  Corki goes out, sees the white sidewalk and then squats and does her business on the porch or the walk.  Today she dropped a doobie on the sidewalk, then strolled out into the snow.  Jackie thinks she doesn't like her butt to get cold, so that's why she does her business on the sidewalk

    I, on the otherhand, think Corki is wacko.

    So I shovel.

    Today was a wet, heavy snow...heart attack I went slowly and carefully.

    As I was shoveling I kind of got a littly misty eyed about the good old days.  Making snowmen, snow angels, snowball fights, sledding down the hill at Montrose Beach....things I will probably never do again in life.  I really missed my youth today.

    Sure, I could have built a snowman....but I didn't.  A lost opportunity for sure, but sometimes it is not fun to build one by yourself.

    Anyway....worked on my puzzle and made some progress today, but I have a long way to go.  

    I still have a box of pictures in the dining room....been there since before my surgery in November.  Maybe, just maybe, this week I will try to go through them and empty the tub.  I have said that before.

    We also Skyped Julia, always good to talk to my daughters.  It has been snowy there, but temps are going into the 50s this week and they have had rain, so snow in the lower elevations is gone. 

    That's my life.......sometimes it just feels so much like Groundhog Day, which is coming up this week.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.  Watch for shadows.

Peace and Love

Saturday, January 30, 2021


 Here's another episode in eeewwww

    Actually doing this early tonight.  It is windy, rainy, freezing rain, with snow expected at some point.  A lot of snow.  Maybe 10 inches.  Or a little snow.  Maybe 2-3 inches.  Who knows.  But often we lose power under these conditions.  I have 2 gallon jugs filled with drinking water and a 5 gallon pail filled with flush the toilet water....which means power will not go out.

    Anyway, I had a slice of apple at lunch today.  Part of it got stuck  (so much for eating healthy) and I started to choke.  Not Heimlich level choking, but choking to the point I could not get the apple out of my windpipe.

    Eventually it cleared .... but something did not feel right.  My nose was feeling odd.  I blew my nose....nothing.  But it still felt odd.  So I got some nose spray and sprayed it in my nose and blew really hard.

    A piece of apple came out!!!!

    What the hell?!@

    What if that had been a seed?  Would I have an apple tree growing in my sinus cavity?

    Holy crap, it hurt too.

    And no, I did not eat the bit...I did toss it,

    Just prior to that I went out to get the mail.  

    I hit the driveway, which was solid ice.  I thought  the hurricane force winds were going to get blow me over.  The rain was pelting my face, the wind was going right through my lounge pants, (NO, these are NOT pajama bottoms.  Lounge pants!!  Damnit!!) and I wondered if I fell who would rescue me?

    That was at 3:30 and our driveway was already drifted over with about a foot of snow, but it was just blowing snow, nothing that was due to fall from the sky.

    The worst part is..... I don't think the mailman had come yet.  So I will make the trip again....shuffling very slowly and hoping to maintain balance.

    I am waiting for it to get good and slippery and dark because we all know that is when a 70 year old man should venture out.

    Be safe my friends.  Be smart.  Unlike me.

Peace and Love

Friday, January 29, 2021

day.....go figure.....318

 Sometimes I don't understand myself

    We ordered take out tonight.  The fast food place is about 10 minutes from the house.

    They said it would be ready in 10-15 minutes.

    I took Corki with because she likes to go for rides.  Grabbed my phone, keys, mask, and took off.

    I pulled up to the restaurant, got out of the car, reached for my wallet....not there.  I forgot it!  

    Got back in the car, drove home, got my wallet, drove it has been 30 minutes since I ordered.

    When I got to the restaurant they were just about ready to call my number to see if I was coming.

    Otherwise today was a pretty good day.  I went to the rec center and walked, although I don't know how far I actually walked.  I play The Beatles on my phone and it plays through my hearing aids, so when I walk I sing along with the boys.

    Now, 6 laps is a mile.  Because I sing, I don't remember how many laps I have gone.  I either went 6, 7, or 8.  I know a youngster passed me four times, so I think I went 8.  From now on, I am taking a counter.

    I don't know how I did it, but I downloaded some albums twice.  So when I listen, I hear the same song twice.  In a row.  I don't know how to undo it.

    And the last puzzler of the day.  For the past two Thursdays I have slept very well....I only got up once last night and after a walk  through the house, went back to bed and right to sleep.  BTW...I  did not see any deer in the incredibly bright moonlight.

    But also for the last two Thursdays I have had a venti white chocolate mocha from Starbucks.  Venti.  And I slept well.   Go figure.

    Now, just going to sit back and wait for the snow......maybe a lot of it.

    Be safe.  Be careful.  Be Healthy

Peace and Love

Thursday, January 28, 2021


I am getting confused a lot 

    You may notice, without having to go to work, days just sort of blend together.  Monday becomes Wednesday before you know it.

    I went to Rockford today and really got a shock. 

    At the corner of Il 251 and 64 there is a restaurant.  It became temporarily famous when the tornado hit and buried 7 or 8 people in the basement.  All were rescued and miraculously none were seriously hurt.

    I pulled up to the intersection today and thought I was lost.  Two new buildings are going up, one looks like a strip mall type place and the other looks like an 8 car garage.  There are few houses around, so it just puzzles me.  But at that moment it also confused me because I was used to seeing just the restaurant.

    But I was not lost, just momentarily confused.

    With new fairly fresh snow, it is easy to see the deer tracks in the yard.  Yesterday we had none....but today, they were all over the yard. 

    When I get up in the middle of the night I often look out the windows, hoping to see some deer.  That has only happened once.  But it was obvious they were right up to the house last night because the snow was scraped away and the grass exposed.

    Maybe with the full moon tonight I will finally see them this winter.  By the way, this is the Wolf Moon.....and I have to Google that to find out why.

    Meanwhile, I have to go howl.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

day......Heereee's Johnny! 316

I used to always watch Johnny Carson 

    Deep down inside, I wanted to be him.  Late night tv show host, funny, meeting great people...... I truly envied him.  I always wondered why him and not me?  What sets us on our different paths?  Luck?  Fate?  Marriage?  Who you know?

    I tuned in one of his shows last night and was reminded of how funny he could be.  Jim Fowler brought some animals along, an up and coming comedian was on, and so was a "new face" in Hollywood.

    During his monologue he mentioned Kodak had just brought out a new product....the disposable camera.  Holy crap, that show was old!

    The  Mighty Carson  Art Players performed, with Carson and Teresa Ganzel, doing Tea Time Matinee.  She replaced Carol Wayne, who I remember vividly for her outstanding features. 

    I had no idea who Teresa Ganzel was, so I Googled her.  She has had a long career in movies and tv, mostly in shows I never watched, and in some cases never heard of.

    The comedian was Bob Nelson, who did a bit where he was a football team doing a commercial.  What I saw was pretty funny.

    But I had to Google him too because that name was unfamiliar to me.  He, too, has had a long career on stage, opening for acts and doing shows in Branson.  Unfortunately, Wikipedia noted he was diagnosed with colon cancer late in 2020.

    Jim Fowler brought out an Andes condor, and made the statement the California condor was on the verge of extinction.

    Again, thanks to Google I learned that in 1987 the last wild California condor was captured.  Their total poulation was 29, all in captivity.  Using a variety of zoos, the condors were bred and offspring were hatched.  In 2019 there were 519 of the birds. some still in captivity and some in the wild.  They have been reintroduced in California and other Western states.

    As a side note, we have a drawing Betsy Fowler did of four elephants.  It is titled "Family" and is a numbered print.  We bought it in a Chicago suburb when the kids were little.  I remember going to pick it up and the sidewalk crunching under us because there was a locust infestation year.  Good times.

    In a sense the show drove home the advancements, or at least changes, that have taken place.  Disposable cameras were new, now hardly anyone uses film.  Condors on the verge of extinction are once again flying the skies.  I wonder if they evere imagined that.

    But I still wonder why Johhny and not me.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 26, 2021


 Today was a pretty routine day

    No lost key.  No lost telephone.  Supper and dishes done early.

    It is about 7:30 and Corki is sitting on the floor whining.  Why?  Because it is her treat time!  If she does not get her treat at 7:30, we are in big trouble.

    Today she went out into the snow.  It was pretty deep for her.  Now, remember she is a dog from Alabama (with a banjo on her knee) but we have had her for 5 years now.  The first winter she seemed puzzled by snow.  This winter, she went outside, lay down and rolled it it.  Then she put her nose in the snow and "shoveled" it for a few inches.  

    She does not like it when I throw snow on her.  I used to toss snowballs at her, and    she would jump when they hit the ground.  She never chased them or investigated them, so I think things like that scare her.

    She has trained us well.

    As a digression, I finished the puzzle outline.  I took apart two sides and put them back together with alternate combinations and that seemed to work.  The pieces fit a lot better and I used all the pieces for the four sides.  Now for the hard part.

    I also shoveled he walk in case it rains and freezes again.  It was not much of an effort, because only about 6 feet had snow...the rest blew away.  But it is clean now.  We'll see what it looks like after the weekend storm rolls through.

    Hopefully an early bed time tonight...gotta get up earlier than I have been.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Monday, January 25, 2021


I was so frustrated today 

        I was going to the store before the storm.  I thought I should fill up Jackie's car and get some milk and some other perishables we might need over the next two days.

    I could not find my car key.  Emily had our second key, but I could not find my car key.  I looked in my sweatshirts, coat pockets, under piles of paper, under the seat, between the seats.....literally everywhere it could be.

    Emily brought our second key over and she looked in the car, in my coat pockets, under piles of paper.....nada, nothing, nil, zilch.

    I spent almost an hour looking.  Under the bed, under the dresser, in cushions, under the washer.

    I know I had the key because I drove the car last Thursday.  It had to be in the house, right?  Or did I accidentally put it in the trash, or recycling?  

    I had a bag of plastic bags to recycle, I picked them up to take to WM.  But I also set them down and could not find them!  Walked around th egarage twice before I spied them.

    When I got home, I realized the only place I did not look was in the dirty clothes.  On the top of the basket was my Resist Alt National Park Service sweatshirt with Smokie on the front.  I put my hand in the pocket.....and  there it was.

    So for a few minutes, I was less frustrated.  But then I went to spend some calming time working on my puzzle and damn, I can't get the sides together yet!  Pieces that look like they fit, don't.  There are spaces on each side where it looks like 2 or 3 pieces are missing, but the ones I have don't fit.

    I have checked the pieces four times and can't find anymore edge pieces.  

    My calming time rapidly became another frustrating moment in life.

    Hopefully tomorrow I won't lose anything important, like my mind.

    Stay healthy.  Stay happy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Sunday, January 24, 2021

day .....olio.....313

Just a few odds and ends to share today 

    After chopping away for many hours, I have a clear sidewalk path from the driveway to the front porch.  Actually, it was more like pregame, half game and between games that I chopped.  I threw ice melter on it three times, and that helped.  Now to see what happens over the next two days.

    I worked on my crossword puzzles today.  Here's a funny thing.  I spent two days on a puzzle from 1956 and I only have about 20 clues filled in.  I did a current puzzle while eating breakfast.  Have the puzzles been dumbed down, like many other things in society, or is it because of the questions?

    I notice the puzzles in the 50s have a lot of references to French or German words, phrases and landmarks.  I wondered if that was because the war was still pretty fresh and a lot of people were focused on the news from Europe.  I know people followed the battles in the daily papers, and maybe they were more aware of Europe than we are now.

    On the other hand, in current puzzles there are  Spanish phrases or words.....a sign of the times?

    Still, in a modern puzzle the clue was a morning meal and it was 9 letters.  Not exactly a difficult clue.  In the 1956 puzzle they asked for the name of a two toed sloth, 5 letters.  Terry did not work.

    Rooted for the Packers because I wanted to see a showdown between two insurance commercial stars, each with their own rates.

    I see commercials with famous people in them and I ask myself:  Who are these people?

    Emily had to explain who The Weekend is.  He is entertaining at the Super Bowl.  Even after she said it, I am clueless.  I asked Siri and she said Saturday and Sunday, which was no help at all.  Now the Pepsi commercial with him driving a car makes more sense.

    So....running to the store early tomorrow in advance of the 6-300 inch snowfall because when Emily was at the store and asked if we needed anything I actually thought we had milk.  If it snowing early, we will go milkless.

    Are there snowdays for schools doing all distance learning?

    Stay safe.  Enjoy the snow.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Saturday, January 23, 2021

day...whoa Nellie.....312

 I tried clearing my sidewalk today

    There are a couple of inches of ice under and over the snow.  My front walk is impassible in the present state, except for a 10 foot stretch from the porch  toward the driveway.  The next 15 feet are dangerous.

    Withe the expected  first wave of snow starting tonight, I though I would clean up the driveway, which had some drifting from the windy conditions the other day.

    Fired up the snowblower, cleared off the drifted part, then I decided to try blowing the sidewalk.

    That proved futile.

    My snowblower has 5 forward gears and 2 reverse gears.  It's a big snowblower.  I am actually trading with John and Emily for their smaller one because I have a guy who does the driveway after a 2 inch snow.

    Which has nothing to do with the story.

    I go down the sidewalk, blowing nothing, and decide it is futile.  So I put the blower in reverse and started backing up.  On ice.

    The next think I know is I am speeding backward down the frozen sidewalk, my feet barely under me and holding on for dear life.

    At some point, you would have thought I would have just taken my hands off the handle to stop the sucker, but we were going so fast and my feet were moving non stop trying to maintain a balance I was afraid to take my hand off the drive because I did not want to fall down and get dragged to who knows where. (I can see the headline:  Local idot run over by at 11.)

    It was almost as funny as the time Julia got pinned to a snowbank at our Skare Court house when she put it in reverse and lost her  balance.

    There is never a camera around when you need it, because today's display would have been a social media hit.

    Eventually I hit dry surface and was able to get control of my body and release the drive lever.  No harm, no foul, as the old saying goes.

    Forecasts change....but tonight Rochelle is sitting in the middle of a band of snow espected to be anywhere from 6 to 12 inches, starting late Sunday.  That should make the start of the week interesting indeed.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Friday, January 22, 2021

day....I'm listening.....311

 Sometimes technology can be very scary

    Do a search for lamps and your Facebook page and other on line pages fill with lamp ads. 

    Your cell phone tracks where you go....and can listen even when you are not using it as a phone.  

    But yesterday.....well, I'll tell you.

    We have 3 units of something I can't remember.  Siri does not know what she is called either.  But we have  baseball sized balls in the bedroom, living room and den.

    I can say, "Hey, Siri....what is the temperature in Rochelle Il?" and she will tell me.  She can play music off my phone, but I don't remember how to do that.  She can give me information....such as the population of Rochelle in 2019 was 9,052. (I just asked.)

    We use her for an intercom.....Jackie can talk to me from the bedroom without having to use a phone to call me when I am in the den.

    Yesterday three of us were sitting in the living room.  One person said, "That was stupid." and Siri said, "That is not nice to say."

    We never said Hey, Siri!  We were not even using it!  Siri was listening to us!

    That is scary!  

    Now my phone, computer, Siri pods....all of them know what I am saying! Do they know what I am thinking too?  

    I have tried to replicate what happened, but I can't.  All I can say is the three of us were stunned......really, stunned!...when she chastised us.

    Any more behavior like that and I will have to unplug her.  Just don't tell her, because who knows what she is capable of.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy  Watch out for snow.

Peace and Love

Thursday, January 21, 2021


 I don't think I sleep at night, I nap

    I swear, it seems to be getting worse.

    I have some relaxation exercises.  Last week they were pretty effective.  I relaxed, fell asleep, got some rest....until about 2 a.m.  Then I was up and pacing the house.

    Now?  Pfft.  I went to bed at 11:30 last night.  By going to bed, I mean the tv was off, I had finished reading, and I was doing my relaxation excercises.  When the cuckoo chirpped 12, I redid the exercises.  When it went off again, I tried a third time.  Finally, at 1:30 I got up an took a sleep aid.

    Now, I should have gotten a good night's sleep.....except it was windy and recycling day.  The recycling guys come around 8.  So I set the alarm for 7:30 and took out my recycling.

    I did fall back asleep until about 9:15, when Jackie had to get up.  I am tired.

    I had PT today, and my therapist suggested I get a little more active during the day as that will tire me out mentally and physically.  A suggested activity was going up and down the stairs for 10 minutes or so, gradually increasing that time each week.

    It has to be worth a try.

        Funny thing.  When the power went off the other night, I reset the bedroom clock.  I also set the alarm for 8 Wednesday morning so we could be dressed for the inauguration.  But the alarm never went off....until 8 p.m. last night.  It seems I reset the clock for a.m. when  it was p.m., so the alarm went off at 8 p.m. even though it was set for 8 a.m.  Jackie heard it going off and asked me what the noise was.  I didn't have my ears in, so I heard nothing until I walked into the bedroom.  

    Actually, it isn't that funny.

    I am tired.  I admit it.  Hopefully tonight will bring sleep.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Wednesday, January 20, 2021

day....hail to the chief......309

This inauguration was sure different 

    An army lined the streets, not many civilians,  no crowds on the was somber and yet welcoming.

    I did not like Trump.  I did not like him as president, I did not like him as developer, game show host, reality tv show host or human being.

    So as odd as the inauguration was, I enjoyed it.

    It got me thinking of a time long ago.

    Well, look at this.

    Recognize anyone?

    Yes, I am the thin guy with glasses, a moustache, killer sideburns and a very chic cordurory sports coat, complete with faux leather arm patches.

    But what about the man I am shaking hands with?  Look familiar?

    Gerald R. Ford, president of the United States.

    I think there was a second picture of his face in profile and me still gripping his hand, but that has long disappeared.

    He spoke at the Northern Illinois Editorial Association conference at the Marriot Hotel in Chicago.  It was March 27, 1976.  (Incidentally, March 27 is Jackie's birthday.)

    As he left through the crowd he passed right in front of me.  I shook his hand.  I don't remember what I said, but it was probably, "It's a pleasure to meet you."  I liked him.

    I was with the Rochelle News Leader at the time.  I was not the only staffer attending, Millie, Harry, Mary Jan, Jane and Sharon, if you are reading this,  were too.  At least according to the March 27 1976 Presidential Daily Diary, Appendix 1, Page 2.

    Several of my fellow J students from NIU were also on the approved visitor list, Ray, Kathy and Jeff, Mike, Linda; but I don't remember seeing them.  Granted, that was 45 years ago and I don't remember yesterday either.  Plus, there were hundreds of us, from small town or weekly publications.

    My mother had this picture on display for years.  I found it in the last box of pictures from the good old days.

    You know what?  I'm thinking those sideburns and the 'stache might still look good on me!

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 19, 2021

day,,,,,,, ...dinner.....308

I am not a good cook 

    I admit it.  I overcook meat, undercook pasta, overcook vegetables and in general, prepare dishes that are edible.

    Usually this is what happens.  I make a salad.  I do this when the meal is cooking.  The meat gets done early and is black, the beans get put on when the meat is done and who knows how long the potatoes have been cooking because I forgot when I put them on.  And whenever I make garlic bread, the smoke alarms go off and the dog runs around in a panic.

    Usually I then eat my semi hot food and then the salad.  Backwards.

    But tonight was different.  I set timers.  I made sure the carrots cooked for the right amount of time.  Everything was ready at about the same time. Except we did not have a salad because I ran out of Romaine.  

    That is a first.  Everything done about the right time, not the Romaine part.

    I don't know how people do it, cooking a meal and having it come together at the same time.  For me, it's a crap shoot and tonight it worked out.

    I have  a friend who posts on Facebook  the most incredible looking meals he has prepared and I wonder how he does it.

    They always look great.  Mine always look a little like, well, not great.

    But Jackie and I are not starving, sot I guess I am doing ok.

    I just wish I was better at it.   Maybe I need to take a cooking class.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Stay fed.

Peace and Love

PS.....this would have been posted an hour ago, but we lost power....again......damn wind!

Monday, January 18, 2021


 If I were a rich man......

    I buy lottery tickets.  I admit it.

    It's kind of strange.  When the jackpot hits $300 million, I will buy tickets.  And I keep buying them until the prize is won.  I play the same numbers, a combination of birthdates, our anniversary, our ages; but I always play the same numbers.  I get psycho when I don't play because my numbers may be picked.

    So far I have not won a cent.  

    But when I do, watch out world!

    I think I have spent every penny in my mind.  And none of it is on fancy cars or a bigger house.....most of it is to benefit other people, organizations, or causes.

    Yes, I will buy a different house, but only because with all that money I will need a house with a major security system.  And maybe a moat with crocodiles or man eating fish (no offense, but I can't spell phirana) and a safe room equipped with a six month supply of choclate, tea and cookies.

    But my life would not change very much.  Sure, the full time massuse will be on hand to give me a massage whenever I want one, and the housekeeper, cook, man servant and full time nursing staff will be working together to take care of the old folks.  

    But I will continue my humble life style.  Sure, maybe I will fly some friends down on my private jet for a quick visit on my tropical island, but I will keep my down home life style intact.

    And yes, I will be the same, approachable Terry.  Sure, you may have to work through my personal assistant to get a meeting with my personal personal assistant who will decide whether I meet with anyone or not.  But I will still be approachable.

    But I will maintain a low profile.  Perhaps you may see us at the Terry Dickow Theater, or picnicking at Dickow Park, or a a program at one of the various Dickow schools in the area.  You might even watch a team play at Dickow Stadium, just make sure you scan the crowd to look for me because, in the end, I am still one with the masses.

    And I won't forget those great causes and organizations or whatever.

    And now, if you'll excuse me, I have to put some bottles of Dom Perignon on ice.      Just in case.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe. Stay hopeful.

Peace and Love

Sunday, January 17, 2021

day ............. 306

 I did not win the lottery last week

    Maybe I will this week.  I think they are well over half a billion dollars for both games!  I would be happy to win and pay taxes of 200 million or so.  I have already spent a huge chunk of the money in my mind and I hope I get to spend it in real life.

    I am feeling lucky.  I found my tea strainer thingy.  Emily bought me some Kind bars and I shoved them up on the shelf.  Although I looked there twice, today I took the bars off the shelf and the strainer was right behind them.  I am happy.

    I also now have 4 drier balls, up from the 2 I had prior to cleaning Julia's room after she left.

    I have a couple of goals this week:  trimming some trees, packing up  the garland and outdoor lights, hanging the new Dyson, working on a puzzle.  

    It seems a strange time to trim trees, but I read an article that said to trim when they are in a frozen period to prevent infections from freeze'thaw cycles.  I think this week should be cold. Also, winter time gives a better idea of branch structure and what needs to come off.

    The garland and lights are in the basement thawing.  I won't put them away wet, and it has been two days so I am sure they are dry.  And thawed.

    For some reason my last few posts have been rather mundane.  Maybe it's the gray skies, or the isolation, but nothing funny or unusual has happened.  Except the pooka visits, but even that seems to have disappeared.

    Maybe tomorrow will be more exciting.

    Stay calm.  Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Saturday, January 16, 2021


 Boy, did I mess up today

I honestly thought the Packers were on tomorrow and had planned to watch them.  
But they were on today.  By the time I found that out, I could not watch because our internet service is off.  How am I doing my blog?  Well, I am typing it on a word processing program and will copy it to my blog later.
At least, that is the plan.
Jackie complained that our remote was not working.  You could not change channels.  I replaced the batteries.  Still did not work.  Unplugged the  cable box, plugged it back in.  Nothing.  The bedroom tv did not work either.  
Emily, John and Camryn came over and said their internet was acting up all afternoon.  Since we have Comcast for our tv service, we figured it must be Comcast.  And yes, they reported a service outage in our area that will be corrected before midnight.
Our televisions will only pick up the last channel we had on… Game Show Network in the living room and Nick in the bedroom.  At one point Jackie had CNN on but switched it, that is when the internet went.  In a way, that is a blessing.
The pooka has been busy.
I now have 4 drier balls.  And the hallway light I replaced that stopped working worked again until it stopped a third time.  John looked at it and all he had to do was  tighten the bulb.
They even brought supper…a delicious macaroni and cheese.  Of course, some wine was consumed also.
In case you are wondering, I have not yet won the big money lottery games.  I realize my odds of winning are greater than the odds of me being struck by lightning or becoming an NBA player, but I still have to play.
After all, you never know when fate will be smiling on you.
Stay healthy  Stay safe.
Peace and Love

Friday, January 15, 2021

day....tea time....304

I still have not found my tea colander 

    That is a source of irritation.

    However,  I still enjoy my tea.

    Emily gave me a tea Advent calendar for Christmas.  I was a little hesitant, because I am pretty much a conservative tea drinker.

    But I have had several of the 21 flavors, and have been impressed.  One I especially liked was an almond blend, but I tossed out the bag, so have no idea what it was.  Yesterday I had a blend with anise, fennel and caraway.  It sounds like it would not be so good, but the aroma was great and the taste was great too.

    I also have some Brigadoon tea, a loose leaf tea which is made only in leap years!  That too is very tasty.

    Julia a couple of years ago gave me some Mariage Freres Esprit de Noel, a black tea with festive spices.  Absolutely delicious.

    Not having my colander makes it a little less fun, because it is a funky little tea pot for one cup brews.  But I do have several tea balls and strainers, so I am still enjoying tea.

    My favorite summer tea is Earl Gray, which has a hint of bergamot.  The Countess of Highclere Castle usually has an Earl Gray at 4:30 every day, tea time.  But I have mine about 3 just to give the caffeine a chance to run out of my body.

    Enough about tea.

    I opened a fortune cookie and it's fortune was this:  Behind every able man there

    And that is where it stopped.  

    So, it's up to you folks.  Tell me how it should end!

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Thursday, January 14, 2021


 I have faithfully been doing my exercises

    I have been working my pelvic floor daily.  Tightening and stretching, stretching and tightening, breathing in and out via my abdomen and not my chest.

    All of this to help me control my flow, if you know what I mean.

    These are also called kegels.  Basically same exercises, same area of the bod, same effect.

    Today we (my sincerely awesome and wonderful therapist) discovered that maybe I have done more tightening than stretching.  So I have a week off of my regular routine to work on stretching my pelvic floor because my muscles are too tight.

    Yes.  That is right.  I have officially become a tight ass.

    I need to work on relaxing.  She gave me some exercises to do three times a day, with the warning not to fall asleep when done, I will be so relaxed.

    I don't think they will help tonight.  I had a venti Pistachio today just to see if I liked it.  It was ok, but I don't think I will have another one.

    My mind is racing.  A few weeks ago she said "You are an adult, make adult decisions."  I know drinking a large caffinated coffee at 3:30 was not the best choice now, but at 3:30 it seemed like an ok thing to do.  I know the caffeine stays in my body for several hours, so maybe by 1 a.m. I will be asleep. Or 2.

    So now I am having a hot toddy to try to tone down the brain.  

    Someday I will learn.  It just wasn't today.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

And the toddy might be affecting my sorry.

Wednesday, January 13, 2021


I had a mishap this afternoon

    I sat down at the computer to read the Tribune.  I had just finished about 2 and noticed my eyes were very heavy.

    So I sat in my chair for a minute......and  woke up at 4:15.

    I had a 5:30 Zoom meeting, so I made a coffee to wake me up and here I am, 9 p.m. and wide awake.  I wonder when I will sleep tonight.

    Somehow I did manage to do 2 loads of laundry before nap time.

    I may be going crazy.

    We have drier balls; those wool things that take the place of drier sheets.

    I have bought 2 three packs in the past two years.  These are big balls.  (Go ahead perverts, my drier has big balls.  There.  It's out of the way.)

    So explain to me why I only have 2 balls?  (Again, pervs,  ball jokes?)

    I mean, they can't go down the drain, they can't just fall into a crack (Don't even go there with ball jokes!) and I never put them any place except the drier and the drawer below the drier. And I don't play with them.  Strictly for the drier.

    I suspect Julia will find one or two in her clothes back in Switzerland.  There may be a couple in sleeves or legs of clothing we have hung in the closet, but I have checked and not found any.  I know, not finding them does not mean they are not there.

    I still can't find the tea colander either.

    I am beginning to think we have a pooka or some other spirit roaming the house.

  This morning I heard a pounding on the outside wall of our bedroom.  I went to investigate and tracks in the snow, no evidence of anyone there.  But the pounding woke Jackie and me, so I know it was not my imagination.  Corki even lifted her head.

    Melting ice?  It was on the west side of the house, in the shadows.

    Probably the  pooka bouncing balls off the wall while sipping leaf less tea.

    And with that, I'm officially nuts.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love 

Tuesday, January 12, 2021


 I am spending some time organizing

    No, not political or union organizing, but putting stuff in the right place.

    Almost all the Christmas stuff is in the basement and on shelves....almost.  I can't get the outside lights off yet because they are frozen in place, probably until July.  But the box they go in is on the shelf already, so there is a place for them.

    Julia has several boxes of things she never took with, so today I moved them all into the closet under the stairs.  Now when she does come back they will all be in one spot.

    I have some craft supplies I am offering to a friend, once I remember to call her.  That may eliminate three more smaller boxes.

    My last year teaching was 2008.  I found a box today with stuff from my desk!  Sheri, it can be yours!  The broken pens, the palm pilot, a painted rock, a couple of pictures......why am I holding on to it?  Why can't I just toss it?  Sigh.

    The weird thing is, I don't ever remember having a palm pilot....until today.

    I think Emily gave me a little tea pot, red metal pot with a circular colander like insert.  You put loose leaf tea in the insert, put it in the pot, pour hot water over it, and when you pour out your tea, no tea leaves.  (In case you did not know, for the best tea you pour the water over the tea, you don't put the tea in water.)  Well, the little colander thingy has disappeared, so I cleaned the pantry today looking for it.

    I did find a pack of green flour tortillas.  They originally were not green.

    I did find 45 packages of treats for the dog.

    I did find half a bag of Oreos, a quarter of a bag of flat pretzels for dipping, an unopened bag of Dot's southwest style pretzels, and Jimmy Hoffa.

    But no colander thingy.

    I swear, it was on the shelf next to the pot just two weeks ago.  I'll have to check my shoes.

    Why?  For some reason, a lot of missing stuff ends up in my shoes.

    Go figure.

    Tomorrow.....more organinzing.  Plus I have to arrange a meeting with a financial advisor because I know I am winning the lottery tonight.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.  Sweet dreams.

Peace and Love

Monday, January 11, 2021

day.......who knew.......300

 Hard to believe I started my count up 300 days ago

    I don't think it was the start of the Covid pandemic, but a few weeks into it.  I honestly did not expect to have almost a year in the count up....but who did?  After all, it was supposed to disappear.

    We sent  a Christmas card toi a Colorado friend and it was returned today.  I put the wrong address on it, so it came back, marked undeliverable.

    I typed up a list and transposed two numbers, typed a wrong number and had the wrong street. Otherwise it was correct.

    I was looking at my list to see what I did wrong and noticed Jackie's sister Judy was not on the list.....neither was her brother Bob.  Joe was, but for some reason I skipped them when I typed the list.  I honestly don't know how I did that.

    Now I wonder what others were missed.

    Friends Ellen and David from Maryland sent a card.  We got it today.  It was postmarked Dec. 15.  

    At least it got here, which is more than I can say for some cards I should have mailed.

    House is a little quieter tonight.  Julia is gone, home safely in Corseaux, Switzerland.  I only cried a little while.  I am not good at farewells.

    I did have a peppermint hot chocolate with a healthy dose of Bailey's.  Tonight I might try it with Rum Chata.  After all, we need a little spice in life.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Sunday, January 10, 2021

day.......good bye, farewell,,aufweidersein, 299

 Well, my first born is almost airborn

    I am sad, but like I said before, I know she is going to a place where she is happy, and has friends.  So my sadness is assuaged by that knowledge.

    I have no idea how many misspelling I have.....forgive me.

    So....picture night....because pictures are worth 1,000 words.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy

Peace and Love 

It's a chain link fence

Bison were not posing the other day

Whose woods these are, I think I know...his house is in the village though

Corki knew Julia was leaving....she waited by the back door to go along.

I miss the tree

Saturday, January 9, 2021

day.....the end is near.....298

 I always get a little sad when Christmas is over

    Yes, I miss the lights and the excitement of the season.  I miss the hope and optimism the reason for the season presents.

    I miss the tree, the memories of the ornaments, the pine needles everywhere, the once powerful but lately barely noticable pine smell.  

    I think of people from my past no longer around to celebrate the holidays; my brother, parents, aunts and uncles, cousins, friends.......and I tend to get a little teary eyed.

    But the biggest reason I get sad at the end of the holiday means Julia will be returning to Switzerland.....and she is, tomorrow.

    I believe this will be the first time since she moved there in 2002 that I will not be taking her to the airport.  I am not at the point I can help with her 50 pound suitcases, filled with barbecue sauce, parmesan cheese, and Mini Raviolas.  And someone needs to be around for Jackie, since it takes about 4 to 5 hours for the airport trip.  And finally, just not sure about high riskers like me being at the airport with the ongoing Covid pandemic.

    So tomorrow, I will watch John and Emily take her to O'Hare, and I will go off somewhere to shed a few tears and maybe pour myself a stiff drink.

    Because no matter how many times we do this dance, I am still out of step.

    Normally I would be looking forward to visiting  her in about 6 months, but a lot has to improve in the world for that to happen.  I can only hope.

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Friday, January 8, 2021

day....oh shoot.....297

 Sometimes I am not very careful

    In yesterday's award winning post, I wrote a well thought out poem.  I did have a couple of errors though, two misspellings that changed the meaning of the poem.

    It was no longer about renewal, rebirth and the resurgence of the human spirit. Rather it pointed to the futility of the creative process.

    I have no idea what any of that means, by the way.

    I did have a physical therapy appointment yesterday.  (Basically, my young PT is teaching me how to urinate again.  It's not rocket science, but it is damn close,)

    When I go in, I have to don an approved medical mask.  Thus, I take off my mask and put the approved mask on, then I sanitize my hands and they take my temp.

    Yesterday the man who checks me in came to me in the waiting area and asked if I left my mask behind.

    I looked at it and said I had a Cubs mask, but that wasn't the one I wore.

    He said he would leave it at the front desk for someone to claim, pointing out I had been the only one in during the last 15 minute. He left.  I looked in my coat pocket and, surprise, no mask!  So I went and got it, telling him I had 4 Cubs masks and did not think I had worn this one.

    After therapy, I was walking out and one of the staff came racing up to me and said I had dropped my mask.  

    That damn thing was difficult to keep track of yesterday.

    I went for a  walk in the woods today, took a lot of pictures.  I may share some tomorrow, but I think we are all gettting burned out on frosty trees and icicles.

    Still, they are beautiful.  And it was quiet and beautiful in the woods. I think Corki would have liked to go, but our neighbor was walking her dog in the park two weeks ago and both were attacked by a stray.  Her dog and her  bit, severely, and I believe the woman has to get rabi shots.  Or is it rabbi?  Damn, I am getting old and not remembering basic spelling.  Rabi shots.  

    Stay safe.  Stay healthy.

Peace and Love

Thursday, January 7, 2021

day......long fellows.....296

yes, my feet are like a poet 

Here it is the 7th of January

and winter weather is making me wary

watching clouds, waiting for sun

now its late and the day is done

but all was gray outside

I love seeing the frost on the tree

a frilly, chilly sight to see

That will disappear when it starts to warm 

maybe to return after the next storm

only time will tell

I remember having to go out and mow

because the damn grass was so quick to grow

but now it is dormant, coldly asleep

beneath the ice and snow buried deep

waiting for spring to come

Fewer birds are coming to feed

maybe they don’t like the  seed

or it could be the hawk hanging around

it  has brought some of them down

leaving piles of feathers

If you have read this far you can tell

I am not a poet, but what the hell

sometimes I am bored a nd need a challenge

like finding a word to rhyme with orange

and I  did come close.

Be safe.  Be healthy.

Peace and Love 

Wednesday, January 6, 2021


 I have few  words about today

    I tend not to get political, but I can't hold this in.  If it upsets you, then feel free to unfriend me.

    Trump is a lunatic.  A power hungry, money grubbing, lying, lunatic.  He is unsafe to have in the White House.

    People stormed the Capitol, as you all know.  One woman was shot and killed.  Terrorists took over government offices and property, and posed for pictures, vandalized it, made a mockery of our government.

    Why?  Because we have a president who has lied so ofen and so long about the election being stolen that people believe it.  There is no evidence of wide spread fraud.  Every state has certified their votes.  No widespread fraud was found.

    Did people vote who should not have?  I am sure they did.  But not enough to make a difference.

    And now I read that the protestors were not really Trumpites but Anti Fa disguised as Trump supporters.  No proof.  No evidence.  No basis in fact.  But people are posting that on line.  And believing it.

    I have never been more enraged than I was seeing confederate flags in the center of our democracy.  It is an out rage.  

    I hope that every person they can identify gets prosecuted for treason.

    Sorry for my negativity.  But I am more sorry for our country.

    Stay healthy.  Stay safe.

Peace and Love

Tuesday, January 5, 2021


 Sometimes I think the modern age is ptooey

    We got our credit card bill today.  There was a charge I did not recognize.  I Googled the company, which was in Oregon, Il.  But they deal in a product or service I would NEVER use, because of me, not them.

    So I called. 

    A very nice lady called back and said I was at least the fifth person to call about a charge!  It seems the product I did purchase was from a company with a similar name.  Instead of John Doe, it was John Doe LLC.  (Fake names....changed to protect the innocent.)

    So I contacted John Doe LLC, but by now I had figured out it was the Christmas tree.

    Within 15 minutes a lady from Sinnissippi called, said she got a call from the other business, and confirmed that I  bought a tree and that ws the charge.

    When a  business bills under a different name, it always seem suspicious.  Glad my card wasn't hacked.

    Then I called another company that makes shower ramps.  We have a 3 inch lip on the shower, and getting Jackie in and out requires a little lifting.  So I called a company  that makes ramps.

    The rep said they don't deal directly to the public, and gave me a company and number that does.  They said, "Ask for Jane.  She will take care of you."

    I called.  Gaylan  answered and said Jane is on the phone, takes a message.

    Jane calls and asks how I know her, because my name has never appeared on her accounts.  I explain what I want and how I got her name.  However, she is the purchasing agent and I need to talk to a sales rep who happens to be Gaylan and he is out right now.

    In the end, everything is sorted out.  Ramp ordered, credit card ok, life is good.

    Confusing sometimes, but good.

    Take care.  Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Monday, January 4, 2021

day.......out, again!....293

 We had another power outage tonight

    That is the third in the past week.  This one was for 45 minutes, not long but not short either.

    One of the people down the street said they saw blue sparks coming from the power lines on Flagg Road.  We were out, Emily was out, the people south of us were out...and I think some people in town were out also.

    In the meantime, Com Ed experienced a pole problem on 64, and crews were there repairing those lines, which put the community of Kings out of power.  Bethie, I hope you have power back now!

    After spending so much time together it seems we really don't have a lot to talk about anymore.  Not enough light to play a game, to early to go to bed, although I could have used my Kindle to read.  

    The trees and plants are beautiful and scary because of the rime frost. Or hoar frost, I am not sure which.  But there is a problem in that beauty.  It's supposed to turn into freezing rain sometime tonight and the power lines are already sagging.  More ice would be a problem.

    Same for the trees that are bending over and almost touching the ground in some cases.  They are weighted down with ice and more could be disasterous for the younger trees.  The old ones are losing a lot of branches.

    Sigh.....winter has just started too.

    Hope you are warm and toasty and healthy.

    Tomorrow I may check out generators for home use........

    Stay safe.  Wear a mask.

Peace and Love

Sunday, January 3, 2021


I should have been an inventor 

    Never mnd the fact I can't do things with my hands.  (No comment, Bethie!) But I come up with ideas!

    When I was a kid I got an Erector set for Christmas one year.  There were diagrams for how to build certain machines, like cranes with working buckets, and Ferris wheels that really turned.

    I built a square.  Yep.  Not a 3 demensional one, just 4 pieces laid out in the shape of a square.  Then I bolted them together with the little screws and bolts.  I also made a couple of triangles.  I could never get the hang of assembling things so that they worked.

    But inventions?  I have a couple of ideas, all thanks to Covid.

    In car heated food carriers.  These are insulated bags that plug into your dashboard. When you pick up takeout, you put it in the bag and plug it in to keep your food warm until you get home.

    Brilliant, right?

    Fake Zoom meetings.  Instead of a backdrop, you would have a screen that would show you sitting at a desk and listening intently to the speaker.  You could then be doing things that interest you more, like plucking out nosehairs.  You would appear lifelike in the video, occasionally nodding your hnead, drinking coffee, putting your hand on your chin as if you were deep in thought.  Of course, these could only be used for seminars, not meetings  in which you might be asked an opinion on a project or issue.

    Phones with built in ultra violet lights.  These are the rays that kill viruses, right?  Use your phone to scan the grocery cart handle, the pen someone gave you to use, the handles on your car, the key pads at the grocery store.  You would kill the germs before you use the pad, or pen, or whatever.

    Hair style colanders.   Need a hair cut?  Place the colander of your choice on your head and simply trim  the hairs sticking out of the colander openings!  Easy to do.  There could even be an extension that goes over the ears and nose for those of us over 70.  It would make trimming up for the big night in really easy.

    I know, some of you are laughing.  (Hopefully)   They did that to Bell, Tesla and Edison too, but they persevered and made our lives different.

    Mine could too.....if I knew how to make anything but squares and triangles.

    Hope your new year is going great!  Stay healthy.  Stay masked.  Stay distanced.

Peace and Love

Saturday, January 2, 2021


I love doing crossword puzzles 

    I did not say I was good at them, but I love doing them.

    I can work on a puzzle for hours, or at least 10 minutes, and not figure it out.  The next day I look at it and the answers come in crystal clear.  Strange how the mind works.

    Julia gave me a crossword puzzle book for Christmas and some of he puzzles have me baffled.  It's not because of what you would normally think, but they have "classic" puzzles from the early 1950s an 60s.

    Some of the clues don't make sense.  Like "river in Kenya."  Well, since 1956 some of the names of cities and rivers have changed, and I might not be familiar with the old names.  Or the new ones, for that matter.

    Another term was "clothes moth."  It's 5 letters, and I am not sure if that was slang for someone who liked clothes or if they are actually wanting the name of a clothes moth......of which none are only five letters.

    But it is still a challenge.  A 1952 puzzle clue was "former secretary of state."  I have no idea about secretaries of state that may have been alive when I was four years old.  

    I do have two options.  I can look at the answers and say, "oh yeah!  I knew tehat."  Or I could attempt to Google it.  The problem with doing that is often it leads me to another bit of info that leads me to another bit of info and an hour later I don't remember what I was looking for in the first place.

    I have read where doing crosswords keeps one's mind active and alert.  Maybe it will prevent brain farts as I continue to age.  Not sure it is helping much though, I bought some new pencils specifically to do the crosswords.  I put them away in a place I would find them.

    That was four days ago.  Looked a lot since then and did finally find them today.

    Now, if I only knew a four letter word for theatrical group that starts and ends with an A and I will have 2 down and 15 across.

Peace and Love

Friday, January 1, 2021


 Seven years ago today I started this blog

    My goal was to complete a project.  I figured doing a daily musing on my life would be a good goal....not to hard, not to easy.

    Little did I know I would still be doing it 7 years later.

    During this time I have shared with you my journey through life.  Some of it has been funny, because I have done some funny things.  Some has been nostalgic, because I live in the past a lot.  Some of it has been plain dumb.

    Some entries have been sad, even tragic.  Emily and John losing their house and almost all their possessions  in a tornado; my cancer diagnosis and operation, Jackie's life with MS, incliuding her falls and injuries.

    You have been with me at Emily and John's wedding, my trips to Cuba and the Nethlerlands, in Switzerland and on my birthdays and our anniversaries.  You worried about me when I lost my resolve in Barcelona, and laughed when I explained someone was looking for Resolve to clean a spill.

    I have told you way to many things I should not have because, honestly, you really don't want to know, or need to know, about my peeing habits since my traitorous  prostrate was removed.  (Much improved, by the way.)

    I admit, there have been nights I did not want to write.  Maybe I was upset, depressed,  busy, tired, or just did not have anything to write about.  I am sure there were nights you have not read my little missives for the same reasons.

    That's ok. 

    I just want to start 2021 off by saying thank you for the comments, the likes, the page visits and for taking an interest in my usually mundane, boring life.

    I think it was Tennessee Ernie Ford who used to say, "See you next week if the Good Lord's willing and the crick don't rise."

    Well, no crick around here, but the ice on the trees is beginning to really build and that could mean some power outages later......but maybe that crick won't rise either.

    Have a healthy and safe 2021.  Keeping reading, or not, it's your choice.

    But realize it has been my pleasure to bring a little of me into your lives.

Peace and Love