Tuesday, December 1, 2020


I don't  know what happened to me 

    Two weeks ago I was concerned about my personal appearance.

    I would  see people shopping while wearing  pajama bottoms  and think "There but for the grace  of Eddie Bauer  go I."

    Then I had surgery.  Loose fitting clothing was suggested because of he six holes in my belly.

    Now I wear pajamas constantly in the house.  From the moment I shower in the morning to the minute I climb into bed in clean pajamas, I am lounging around the house.  And I love it.

    No waist tightness, the elastic waistband prevents the pants from falling to my knees when I walk, roomy in the butt and legs....what else could a person want?

    I apologize to all those people I made fun of for wearing pajamas in public.  I am not brave enough to do that yet, but I am rapidly approaching the point of no return.

    Who knows, I might even try wearing them half way up my butt like the young kids do because that might even be more comfortable!

    What worries me is .... what's next?  Sandals and black socks?  Flip flops and no socks in the middle of winter?  Midriff exposing t shirts?

    I think in addition to my prostate, the good doctor removed my sense of taste in clothing.

    That may be good.  Or not.

    See you around...don't be afraid to compliment my jammies.

Stay healthy.  Stay careful.  Stay masked.

Love and Peace

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